



闻名不如见面[wén míng bù rú jiàn miàn][词典] To know a man by repute is not as good as meeting him face to face. ; Knowing a person by repute is not as good as seeing him in the flesh. ; Knowing sb. by his reputation is not as good as meeting him in person....


1. “回”亦即“反”“向后”“返回”“还”“逆”“抗拒”或者“减少”“减轻”:react, regret, return, report, refund, recover, recede, reject, reduce,reprieve, relax...2. “再”“重新”:religion, renew, renovate, reproduce, repeat...3. “反复”“一再”“着重”:repute, ...


an,因为honor是元音字母开头,O的闭音节。词汇详解:honor 一、读音 英 [ˈɒnə] 美 [ˈɑːnər]二、释义 n、荣誉;荣幸;尊敬;名誉 v、尊敬;尊重;接受;给与…的光荣 三、语法 guard of honorn:仪队,仪仗队 honor systemn:荣誉制度 ...




我一直认为悠闲自得比金钱和名望更重要。(count)I always think that being leisurable and carefree counts for more than money and fame.I have always held on to the fact that being leisurable and carefree is more than money and reputation/repute 压力很容易使人作出错误的决定。(lead ...

reputate 和 reputation 区别???

reputation KK: []DJ: []n.[U][S]1. 名誉,名声[(+for)]The store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing.该店买卖公平,声誉极佳。2. 好名声,声望;信誉 This restaurant has a fine reputation.这家餐厅信誉很好。Cheating at the game ruined that player's reputation.比赛时作弊败坏...


闻名 [词典] famous; well-known; be familiar with sb.'s name; know sb. by repute;[例句]他是澳大利亚最为杰出的艺术家之一,以肖像画、风景画 而闻名。He was one of Australia's most distinguished artists, renowned for his portraits, landscapes and nudes.

fallen into什么意思

fallen into:分成,开始;变成;陷入。词组:fallen into desrepute 声名扫地。law fallen into desuetude 已废除的法律。fallen into disgrace 丧失体面。造句:Many have fallen into more than one of these traps.许多国家落入了不止一个陷阱。You have fallen into the micromanagement trap.你...


special 英[ˈspeʃəl] 美[ˈspɛʃəl]adj.1.特殊的, 特别的 2.专门的, 特设的 3.特别亲密的; 格外的 4.不寻常的;不一般的 5.重要的;格外看重的;特别关照的 6.特设的;有专门目的的;起专门作用的 7.专用的;专门针对…的;特有的 8....


诗人认为关于认为的单词asattributedtoknownaspresumereputegrantbemoanperceive关于认为的成语认贼为子认妄为真认影为头误认颜标供认不讳翻脸不认人关于认为的词语认奴作郎认贼为父认影为头六亲不认误认颜标认贼作子矢口否认无可否认认妄为真认贼为子点此查看更多关于认为的详细信息 ...
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