
require for和require of区别



3 重要的两个对象: 4 require是从外部获取模块 5 exports是把模块接口公开 6 */ 7 var counter = require('./1_modules_custom_counter'); 8 console.log('第一次调用模块[1_modules_custom_counter]'); 9 counter.seOutputVal(10); //设置从10开始计数10 counter.setIncrement...


i believe this background provides the management skills you require for this position. i look forward to your reply. yours sincerely name 会计英文求职信 篇9 dear miss liu: application for the position of accounting manager in response to your advertisement in today's for the above position, ...


good afternoon ,everyone my name.is long shi yan I am from class 9 grad 09. I am gong to speech is “What Can We Do for Our School” It's nice to speak about what we can do for our school,and I think each of us can do something.The follwing are some examples ...


⒌ 有时虚拟条件不是明确地表达出来,而在蕴含在用but引导的从句里,于是便出现了有谓语动词是虚拟语气的主句加上谓语动词是陈述语气的but从句构成的并列复合句,例如I would have hung you but the telephone was out of order.在这样的句子里,如果主句没有用虚拟语气,或者从句用了虚拟语气,都是错的。 Ⅱ用在...


They require constant care. They-they need just the right food, and lots and lots of love. 菲比说养宠物需要很多责任感。 教育 小孩子又何尝不是呢?只有稳定的经济是不够的,你必须给他们源源不断的爱。 23、Chandler: If they can't find a home for her, they kill her! And I'm not gonna...


9) The doctor insisted that his patient . 〔A〕 that he not work too hard for three months 〔B〕 take it easy for three months 〔C〕 taking it easy inside of three months 〔D〕 to take some vacations for three months When I suggested that he try shaving cream, he said, “The raz...


1)不定式的逻辑主语为:for +名词(或代词宾格)+ 不定式。例如: I found it impossible for him to do the job alone.我发现他—个人干这活是不可能的。 (注)在表示人物性格、特性等的形容词后面,常用of引出不定式的逻辑主语。例如: It was wise of him to do that.他那样做是明智的。 2)动名词的逻辑...


for (of) sb. to do sth. 具有名词,副词和形容词的作用。在句中做主、宾、表、定和状语分词 现在分词 doinghaving done being donehaving been done具有副词和形容词的作用。在句中做定、状、宾补和表语过去分词 done done动名词 doinghaving done being donehaving been done sb’s doingmy doing 具有名...

英语句子"''A selection ..."是什么意思?

selection:选择 weapon:武器 require:需要.命令 嘿嘿..我只查了三个单词哦 一个关于把武器丢到离你不近(很远)的地方当你需要它们.杀死一队的所有成员.(一队:应该可以翻译为整一队的人...反正就是差不多是这个意思啊)


希望能帮到你.1. We will e-mail it to you so that you receive and read it timely 2. The rest milk in the bottle gone bad 3. To do the job is very difficult for me because it requires a lot of experience. (Require)4. What is The city's average temperature in ...
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