4. All students are requested to attend tomorrow's meeting。考察被动语态 5. Thinking little of the risk they bore, the firemen rescued the people that were trapped in the fire as usual . 考察定语从句 6. Mother Teresa was devoted her whole life to caring for the poor. 这里的...
6 Intolerance 党同伐异 【1916】党同伐异(台)/忍无可忍(港)7 The Birth of a Nation 一个国家的诞生 【1915】一个国家的诞生(中)/一个国家的诞生(台)/一个国家的诞生(港)8 Home, Sweet Home 落花,甜蜜的家 【1914】落花,甜蜜的家(台)演出1 Hearts of the World 世界的核心 【1918】世界的核心(...
5. The lifeboat rescued a dozen people and took them to the larger ship.救生艇救了十几个人,把他们送到大船上去。6. The camp itself consisted of little more than hammocks strung between trees, the fires to keep off the jaguars, and half a dozen cooking pots.他们的营地设备只有...
6.先行词是表人的职业、品质、身份等名词,作定语从句的表语时。主句和定语从句之间含有对比的意思。 Mike's brother is a policeman,which he isn't.迈克的哥哥是警察,他可不是。 7.先行词是形容词作定语从句的表语时。主句和定语从句含有对比的意思。 Li Ling is very clever,which Li Long isn't.李...
小题1:attack小题2:flowed小题3:entirely小题4:recognize小题5:Determined小题6:grateful小题7:transported小题8:persuaded小题9:rescued小题10:shock小题11:equal小题12:teenagers小题13:official小题14:congratulations小题15:headlines 试题分析:小题1:据报道自从敌人到达城市一直在受到袭击,be ...
鲁滨逊漂流记英文读后感(精选6篇) 当细细品完一本名著后,相信你心中会有不少感想,为此需要认真地写一写读后感了。但是读后感有什么要求呢?以下是我精心整理的鲁滨逊漂流记英文读后感(精选6篇),希望能够帮助到大家。 鲁滨逊漂流记英文读后感 篇1 Robinson Crusoe Robinson Crusoe was written by Daniel Defoe. It tell...
in the river和on the river的区别:两者的意思不同。具体如下:1、in the river 意为 “在河水里”。示例:Some boys are swimming in the river.译句:许多男孩在河里游泳。2、on the river意为“在河岸上”。 显然不是意为“在河水里”,因为“on”一般指在固定的表面上,水是液态的,那...
41. A。由上文的rescued a German shepherd可推断,此处是说Ague扛着一只“狗(dog)”。42. C。由下文的Amazing people still do exist可推断,Ague救狗的照片获得了很多“赞赏的(admiring)”评论。43. C。由上文的posted to Facebook可推断,该评论是脸谱网的一位使用者“写(wrote)”的。...
6. 怎样写好高中英语作文 积累词语 没事的时候可以翻翻词典,有些词典上面的解释很详细也有用法。 注意格式 在写作文的时候(特别是考场作文)要注意分段,一般是3~4段,3段就是开头一段、结尾一段、中间内容一段;4段就是内容分两段。 1. 每天背4个句子(同一个作文主题的),第二天要复习复习,或下课想想, 并且...
justin biber女友Selena Gomez的《love you like a love song》http://box.zhangmen.baidu.com/m?rf=mlist-hot&from=search&ct=134217728&tn=baidumt&gate=11&d_s=1&l_i=11134_1&c_n=selena%20gomez&a_n=%E7%83%AD%E6%90%9C%E6%AD%8C%E6%9B%B2&s_o=0&rf=zb Love You Like ...