



一、谒的读音:yè 二、汉字释义:1. 拜见。2. 说明,陈述,告发。3. 请求:~归。~医。4. 名帖。5. 掌管晋见的近待。三、汉字结构:左右结构 四、部首:讠 五、相关词组:参谒、晋谒、干谒、谒觐、公谒


护卫: [ hù wèi ]1. bodyguard 2. pick up the gauntlet 3. take up the gauntlet 4. convoy 近义词或词组 escort | squire | squirarchy 例句与用法 1. 女王左右有保镖和警察护卫着。The Queen was flanked by a retinue of bodyguards and policemen.2. 导弹在护卫...


Each winter solstice the Emperor and all his retinue would move through the city to encamp within the complex, wearing special robes and abstaining from eating meat; there the Emperor would personally pray to Heaven for good harvests. The ceremony had to be perfectly completed; it ...


1、He was attended by a numerous retinue.他有许多随员陪同。2、Everybody consciously attends to things and everything is attended to.人人自觉管,事事有人管。3、The application must be made within twenty-four hours, or it will not be attended to.申请必须在二十四小时内办理,否则不...


2、Yes, they make the circus lively and cause people to laugh.是的,他们使马戏生动,并使人们发笑。3、On the way to town he encountered the circus retinue, which was led by an elephant.就在他去往镇子的路上,迎面正好碰上那个马戏团的一班人马,走在最前面的是一头大象。4、The...


Aside: said the king, who, unable to contain his joy any longer, ran to get his retinue.国王:快,跟我来,我的儿子有救了,我的儿子有救了!King: Come with me! My son is saved! My son is saved!旁白:接着,他带着他们来到小伙子身边。Aside: And he took them to the young...

history of shanghai 英文介绍,最好带中文翻译

History of Shanghai, China Shanghai began as a fishing village in the 11th century, but by the mid-18th century it was an important area for growing cotton and by the 1800s it was becoming the largest city in China. Foreigners came into Shanghai due to foreign trade after ...


on yellow paper, would be made known to the whole country. Such a process was historically recorded as " Imperial Edict Issued by Golden Phoenix". During the Ming and Qing dynasties Tian'anmen was the most important passage. It was this gate that the Emperor and his retinue ...


英语单词queen意思是王后、女王。一、读音:英 [kwiːn],美 [kwiːn]二、意思:n. 王后;女王 三、例句:The Queen was flanked by a retinue of bodyguards and policemen.女王左右有保镖和警察护卫着。四、词汇用法:1、queen用作动词的意思是“(使…)升为后”。2、queen可用作...
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