
revel in



1987年组建后,他们改名为Entombed,发布了里程碑式的专辑《Left Hand Path》(1990),阵容包括主唱Lars Goran Petrov、吉他手Alex Hellid和Uffe Cederlund,鼓手Nicke Andersson,贝司手由Uffe和Nicke轮流担任。这张专辑的成功显而易见,特别是史诗般的曲目如《Supposed to Rot》和《Revel in Flesh》。...


Problems occur when the chipmunks begin to revel in their stardom and rebel against Dave. However, they soon discover that being a family with Dave is the sweetest success of all. .And I realized that living with the family is the pleasant thingI don't know why people has rated this ...


and sometimes prefers death ratherthan touching them.Peace and harmony are the sage's reality.She considers victory to be the bastardchild of war.If you revel in victory,then you sanction war and the killing ofhuman beings.If you accept killing,you have forgotten your oneness with ...


在古城墙内的老城区,浪漫的求婚地点可谓数不胜数。比如主教宫(Rector’s Palace)、拉弗林要塞(Revelin Fortresses)、斯庞扎宫(Sponza Palace)等,历经数百年的古建筑见证了无数情侣喜结良缘。古城墙之外,许多精致的别墅、生机盎然的公园也是表达爱意的好去处。或者搭上帆船前往Lopud岛和Šipan岛...


《荒野大镖客2》秘籍是在游戏进行时,直接输入下以字母。Virtue unearned is not virtue将你的荣誉值置于最大。You revel in your disgrace I see,将你的荣誉值设定为尽可能低的水平。You seek more than the world offers,加满并强化你的所有状态条(生命、体力和死亡之眼)。荒野大镖客背景 成为...

关于优秀英语散文 带翻译

I love a peace of mind. I mean, you just can't buy that. I often find myself reveling in the many moments I'm blessed to receive that provides my environment to be at ease.我喜欢精神上的宁静祥和。说真的,这不是钱能买的。在很多时候我的精神都处于亢奋之中,我尤其希望能...


Killed By Love - JLS Uh, these are like the feel of cry Do your revel in the lights Cause you stole my trust, tell me why,You're addicted to goodbye Tell me why you front in our love?Tell me why? Tell me why this isn't enough Maybe you were shot and killed by ...


Look at the party. Just finished eating dumplings on New Year's eve night, the whole family was eager to wait for the party, despite the party every year, but each time the party can be equally, crosstalk laughing, alternately, reveling in a wonderful song and amazed by the ...


Chongqing is the birth place of the hot pot in China. Once upon a time, it was a seasonal food designed to protect against the low temperatures and frigid winds of the winter. People would sit around a table, eat hot pot, and revel in the instant warmth that would flood their bodies....


revel 英 [ˈrevl]美 [ˈrɛvəl]vi.陶醉; 狂欢作乐; 扬扬得意 n.狂欢,作乐; 喧闹的宴会或庆典 1. Cats positively revel in heat, whether natural or man-made.猫确实喜暖,不管是自然的还是人工创造的温暖环境。2. Marie seemed to revel in his old-fashioned...
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