



她结了三次婚,却没有真真正正了解感情,我狠不下心说她是一个情商智商为0的傻子,或许只有像Rhett说的那般,感情层面,她还仅仅一个孩子。如何并不是呢,仅有小孩才会始终吵着要一双漂亮晶莹的水晶高跟鞋即便 最终那并不宜自身;仅有孩子气的个人行为才会仅因一次和旧情人头昏脑涨的交谈就赶忙...

电影gone with the wind的主要演员及饰演的角色

导演:弗莱明·维克多(Victor Fleming)主要演员:克拉克·盖博 (Clark Gable)--- Rhett ,费雯·丽(Vivien Leigh)--- Scarlett 电影原声:1.Selznick international trademark * Main Title: Dixie, Mammy, Tara, Rhett 国际商标 2.Opening sequence: The Twins, Katie Bell, Ashley, Mammy 序曲...




楼上那位错了!!!我背过,也有英文剧本!!!以下是你需要的这一段对白:SCARLETT: This last? Oh Rhett, do listen to me. I must have loved you for years only I was such a stupid fool I didn't know it. Please believe me.You must care! Mellie said you did!RHETT: I belie...

求《飘》乱世佳人 rhett butler(白瑞特)出场前 家世 背景 经历介绍_百度...



Ashley, neglecting the existence of Rhett Butler, who couldn"t bear to see the scene, leaves. But suddenly Scarlett sees the fact, she doesn"t love Ashley anymore。So she goes to look for Rhett everywhere。)SCARLETT: Rhett, wait for me! Rhett, wait for me! Rhett!Rhett!(Out...

哪位大哥(大姐,小姐)能帮我翻译一下下文 将中文翻译成英文:

in 1861 the Civil War erupted the eve, Tala manor's daughter Miss the Si beautiful woman has fallen in love with another manorial lord son Athey ritual, but the Athey ritual has actually chosen own younger female cousin - - gentle good Gui Ranney for the life companion. The Si...


16. But now, after her meeting with Rhett, it was nice to talk to a man who knew how to treat a lady!不过此时,在见过瑞德之后,与一个懂得如何对待小姐的男子聊几句还是令人愉悦的!17. After that Suellen wouldn't speak to Scarlett anymore, but Scarlett didn't eare. All she...


Then the flames of war approached Atlanta.Everyone was busy leaving away from the war.Scarlett managed to escape from Atlanta with the help of captain Rhett. Having come back to Tala manor,Scarlett made up her mind to rally her homeland at any cost when she saw that the former manor had ...


Scarlett was so jealous that she married Melanie's brother Charles. Unfortunately, the civil war killed Charles and Scarlett became a widow.After the war, Scarlett met Rhett, who was elegant and independent. He soon proposed to her and she agreed. When the confused Scarlett found ...
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