(1) He introduced from France the rhymed stanza of various types. (2) He is the first great poet who wrote in the current English language. (3) The spoken English of the time consisted of several dialects, and Chaucer did much in making the dialect of London the standard for the modern...
部首:辛,部外笔画:6,总笔画:13 五笔86&98:TDUH 仓颉:HRYTJ 笔顺编号:3122514143112 四角号码:20641 UniCode:CJK [编辑本段]释义 基本字义 ●辞 (辞) cíㄘˊ ◎ 告别:告~。~诀。~行。~世。~别。 ◎ 不接受,请求离去:~职。~呈。 ◎ 躲避,推托:不~辛苦。~让。~谢。推~。 ◎ 解雇:~...
陈淑华 , 《英语修辞与翻译(英汉对照)》 , 1990年6月第1版 , 第321-324页徐鹏, 《英语辞格》 , 1996年10月第1版 , 第341-450页梁守涛《英诗格律浅说》商务印书馆1979Metrics in English Poetry By Samuel Schuman, Univ. of MN, MorrisMetrics How to go about the analysis of the rhythm, the ...
(6)又 其次不辱辞令。撰长书以为贽,辞甚畅达。――明·宋濂《送东阳马生序》其文约,其辞微,其志洁,其行廉。――《史记·屈原贾生列传》(7)又如:辞色(言辞和容色);辞容(表情;面色);辞旨(言语或文章的主旨、含意)(8)特指政令之词 [order]近者奉辞伐罪,旄麾南指,刘琮束手。――《三国...
[bid farewell] 临行前向亲友等告别辞不达意 cíbùdáyì [the language fails to express the idea] 言辞不能把思想确切表达出来辞呈 cíchéng [(written)resignation] 辞职报告辞典 cídiǎn [dictionary] 词典辞赋 cífù [a literary form,sentimental or descriptive composition,often rhymed] 古代一种文体...