
rise in



【What’s less clear is whether divorce and separation rates rise in a recession】—【financial pressures】 mean【 couples argue more but make splitting up less affordable】【What’s less clear is whether divorce and separation rates rise in a recession】这是一个单独的句子 这个是别人...


3.“rise”是一个不规则动词,因为它简单的过去分词和过去分词形式没有规则的“ed”结尾。相反,“raise”是一个规则动词,其过去形式有正常的“ed”结尾。例子:Rise There is a rise in temperature, since last week.(从上周开始,气温上升了。)Due to rising pollution in Delhi, the CM ...


地势步步加高。站起来; 起床 She rose to greet her guests.她起身迎接客人。起义; 反抗 At last the people rose up in arms and defeated the cruel rulers.人民终于武装起义推翻了残暴的统治者。n.上升, 升起 增加, 增长 The increase of wages is proportional to the rise in prices.工资的...


The sun rose at seven o'clock.太阳七点钟升起.The river is rising after the rain.雨后河水涨了.The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet."这时飞机能上升了,并在距山头400英尺的高度飞越了山头."The steps of the palace rise in easy flights.宫殿台阶...


二、raise的用法 1、raise在美式英语中有“饲养,抚养”的意思,如raise cattle(饲养牲口)和raise children(抚养孩子)。相对应的英式英语则是breed cattle和rear children。2、raise在美式英语中还有“增加”的意思,通常指工资等的上升,如a raise in/of salary。英式英语中习惯用rise或increase去替换...


· The next morning I was the first to rise.第二天我是第一个起床的。· When do you rise in the morning?你早上什么时候起床?不及物动词 vi. 起立 stand up · He rose from his chair.他从椅子上站起来了。· The pupils rose when the teacher came in.教师进来的时候,学生们都...


1、rise ——When water levels rise, flooding results.水位上升,就会发生洪水。——The rise in inflation was just one symptom of the poor state of the economy.通胀上升不过是经济不景气的一个征候。——The industry is feeling the effects of recent price rises.这一行业已经感觉到了最近...

Libera —— rest in peace

all those whom we cherished will be reborn All those whom we love but see no more they are not perished, but gone before and lie in the tender arms of he who died for us all to set us free from hatred and anger and cruel tyranny may they rest in peace - and rise in ...

求rise和 raise的区别和用法?

rise和 raise都有“上升,升起,上涨,举起”等意思,具体区别如下:区别一:后接句子成分不一样 1、rise是不及物动词,后面不接宾语。2、raise是及物动词,后面要加宾语。区别二:词性不一样 1、rise是不及物动词,主语只能是物,不能是人。2、raise是及物动词,有被动语态,主语通常为人,机构...
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