
robin is behind wu yifan改为意思一样的


robin is behind wu yifan改为意思一样的

Wu Yifan is in front of Robin.

Robin gives Wu Yifan some water改为同义句?

Robin gives some water to Wu Yifan.

robin and iwalked to wu yifan's home是什么意思





wuyifan:Robin,where is The museum shop翻译成中文的意思是:武夷凡:罗宾,博物馆商店在哪里?重点词汇 1、Robin罗宾; 知更鸟,鸫; 圆形签名抗议书。2、where哪里,在哪里; 到哪里; 某种情势或位置; 在…的地方; 地方,场所; 哪里。3、museum博物馆。4、shop商店; 购物; 工厂; 办事处; 去买...


翻译:1、WuYifan:Robin,Where is the museum?I want to buy a postcard.吴一凡:罗宾,博物馆的商店在哪儿?我想要买一张明信片。2、Robin:It's near the door.罗宾:在大门附近。3、Wu Yifan:Thanks.Where is the post office?I want to send it today.吴一凡:谢谢。邮局在哪儿?我想...

where is the museum shop? 意思

重点词汇 where哪里;在哪里;在那里;到哪里;处于哪种情形;在那,到那;在该处;在该情况下;…的地方;…情况下;地方;场所哪里。museum博物馆。shop商店;店铺;工厂;工场;作坊;车间;购物;采买;去商店买;在商店。A little way up on the left is the Museum of Modern Art.前面不远左手边就是现代...

wu yifans grandpa gave robin a new feature的同义句

Wu Yifan's grandpa gave a new feature to Robin.(give sb. sth.=give sth. to sb.)


1. Wu Yifan: Robin, where is the museum shop? I want to buy a postcard.2. Robin: It's near the door.3. Wu Yifan: Thanks. Where is the post office? I want to send it today.4. Robin: I don't know. I'll ask. Excuse me, sir.5. Man: Wow! A talking robot!


四年级下册英语书48页任教版的翻译如下:1、Robin at the zoo.罗宾在动物园。2、Sarah and Robin are at the zoo.Robin is excited!萨拉和罗宾在动物园。罗宾是兴奋的。3、Sarah:What are you doing here,Robin?萨拉:罗宾你在这里做什么?4、I'm looking at a bear. I'm dancing like a...
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