5. roust:这个词指的是唤醒或驱赶。例如,他需要大声叫喊以roust孩子们起床。6. rist:这并不是一个常见的英语单词,可能是“rist”或“rest”的误拼。7. reest:这也不是一个常见的英语单词,可能是“rest”的误拼。8. roset:这个词指的是玫瑰花,尤其是指玫瑰花的花朵。例如,她用一束美丽...
(3)The act or process of roasting.烤,炙,烘:烘烤的行为或过程(4)The state of being roasted.烘烤过的状态(5)Harsh ridicule or criticism.嘲笑:讥讽或严厉的批评(6)A facetious tribute, usually in the form of a banquet, in which the honoree's friends and acquaintances alternate sh...
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June4, Sat 6: 00p.m.SELECTIONS FROM THE MUSIC FESTIVAL PROGRAM PERFORMED BY POP SINGERSS. H. E. JAY CHOUAll SEATS ¥25 Each adult roust come with a child. BOOKS* picture books for children* novels and stories* books in 36 languages...
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