


ausheep ugg和ugg有何区别?

2、品牌范围 不同澳洲UGG有很多牌子,比如:JUMBO UGG,UGGS INTERNATIONAL AUSTRALIA,uggs-n-rugs,Clobber Australia,Warmbat等等。而ugg australia是一个独立的美国品牌。3、加工地不同 澳洲UGGS INTERNATIONAL为AUSTRALIA手工制作。ugg australia加工地在中国和新西兰。4、风格不同 澳洲ugg因为是手工制作...

求一首英文歌,男的唱的。开头是“to pay or not to pay,that is the...

Owl City - Rugs From Me To You 在线试听和下载:http://cgi.music.soso.com/fcgi-bin/m.q?w=Owl+City+-+Rugs+From+Me+To+You&p=1&source=1&t=0 请对照歌词:Owl City - Rugs From Me To You To pay or not to pay, that is the question.It refused to stay, as it all ...


运动衫大量出汗的人,发汗剂 in sweater穿着毛衣 neck sweater圆领运动衫 bolero sweater开胸毛衫 knit sweater毛线衫 例。2、weave 织毛衣weave sweater KK DJ vt1 织编,编制 Womenfolks in this country are good at weaving rugs这个国家的妇女善织地毯2 编排编造 They weaved a web of lies to...


Tapestry, sometimes classed as embroidery, is a modified form of plain cloth weaving. The weaving of carpet and rugs is a special branch of the textile industry. Other specially prepared fabrics not woven are felt and bark (or tapa) cloth, which are beaten or matted together, and...


silver[ˈsɪlvə(r)] [复数]silvers(银( silver的名词复数 );银币;银制品)n.银; 银色; 银币; 银制品;adj.银色的; 银制的; 像银的; 银白色的;[例句]He beat the rugs and polished the silver.他拍打去地毯上的灰尘,还...


英文简介:Egypt is a shortcut to the maritime route between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.It borders Sudan to the south, Libya to the west, the Red Sea to the east, Palestine and Israel to the north.And Europe to the north through the Mediterranean Sea.Egypt is the most ...


the weaving of rugs.地毯编织Used before a noun with the force of per : 用于名词前,表每 : cherries at $1.50 the box.每箱樱桃1.50美元thethe 2AHD:[Y¶] 元音之前 [Y…] 辅音之前 D.J.[Hi8]元音之前 [H*]辅音之前 K.K.[Hi]元音之前 [H*]辅音之前 adv.(副词)Because of that. Used ...

【哈利波特精读】Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone(Chapter 8...

He would drop wastepaper baskets on your head, pull rugs from under your feet, pelt you with bits of chalk, or sneak up behind you, invisible, grab your nose, and screech, “GOT YOUR CONK!”rug  [rʌg]n. 小地毯;毛皮地毯;男子假发 sneak  [sniːk...


×××敬上 装船通知信函 Dear Sirs, We confirm dispatch of your order for Indian rugs,and give the below packing arrangements to facilitate discharge at your end. The letter A,B,and C represent sub marks on the ship's stowage plan. A.200 Sheets(red) B. 500 sheets (blue)C.300 sheets...


8、The cabin has a few throw rugs on the old wooden floor.这个小木屋的旧木地板上有几张小地毯。9、We spent the next few days riding through north-west Argentina.后来几天我们在阿根廷西北部穿行。10、The salad consisted of a few leaves of sad-looking lettuce....
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