



ruined the crops. 暴风雨毁坏了庄稼(from www.yywords.com)。He ruined his prospects by carelessness. 他因粗心大意断送了前途。4. ruin 有时还可指一般意义的弄坏或损坏,此时与 spoil 同义且常可换用,只是语气比 spoil 稍强。这两个词有时还可用于美好经历或有用东西的损坏(此时不能用 ...


the terrible secret becomes known and a reputation is ruined 重要的秘密被泄露了,名声遭到损坏。the reader's hair stands on end when he reads in the final pages of the novel that the heroine 当读者读到小说的最后一页关于女主人翁的时候,他毛骨悚然 you forget that i was a medical...


Choose A.句子大意:许多沉溺于玩乐的学生最终毁掉了他们自己的前途/将来。addict是及物动词,多用做be addicted to,使沉溺/入迷/成瘾。这里是过去分词作定语修饰主语,表示沉溺于玩乐的学生。主句是:students get their future ruined.第二个选择是固定搭配,get sth. done,使某事被做/完成,完成和做...

wreck ruin destroy 的区别?

例句:His house was ruined.翻译:他的房子被毁灭了。destroy:造成破坏。例句:It is easier to destroy than to create.翻译:破坏比创造简单。3、作及物动词时的意思是:wreck:破坏;使失事;拆毁。例句:The bomb wrecked his car.翻译:炸弹炸毁了他的汽车。ruin:破坏,毁灭;使破产;使没落...


有关这两个单词的例句有:The big fire destroyed the whole house .这场大火把整个房子都烧毁了。All his hopes were destroyed.他的全部希望都被毁灭了。You’ll ruin your health if you go on like this.这样下去你会毁了你的身体的。I was ruined by that law case; I’m a ruined man...

damage, destroy, ruin的区分?

例句:he earthquake destroyed almost the entire city.翻译:那次地震几乎毁灭了整个城市。3、ruin 指彻底毁掉,但不含有以某种摧毁性的力量进行破坏,而含有在一定的过程中逐渐毁掉的意 思。例句:The crops are nearly ruined by the continuous rain.翻译:继续不断的雨水几乎毁坏了这些农作物。


区别一:破坏程度不同 destroy通常指彻底的破坏,使之变得无法修复或失去原有形态;而ruin则指损坏到严重程度,但不一定完全无法修复,常常还留有残余结构或部分。例句:① The fire destroyed the ancient temple completely. 火灾彻底摧毁了这座古庙。② The fire ruined the interior of the house, ...


早在14世纪,一位名叫约翰·霍克伍德爵士的英国人,就有过非凡的发现:人们宁肯支付大笔金钱也不肯把自己毕生的事业让暴徒毁掉.2.ruin 亦指彻底毁掉,但不含有以某种摧毁性的力量进行破坏,而含有在一定的过程中逐渐毁掉的意思 Oxford has been ruined by the motor industry.牛津城已经被汽车工业毁掉了....


ruin指把某件东西损害到不能再修理或使用的程度。现在多用于借喻中。例如:Your plans for a party will be ruined if you get sick.如果你病了,你的聚会计划就毁了。1.在程度上, destroy指十分彻底地破坏,而damage指并不彻底地破坏。2.在后果上, destroy指不能或很难修复了,而damage指不能发挥...


ruin表示破坏,毁灭; 使破产的意思,那么你知道ruin短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了ruin短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!ruin的短语:go to rack and ruin 因忽视而导致毁坏、混乱或瓦解 fall into a ruined or disorganized state through neglect The old house soon went to rack and ruin.这所旧...
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