
run sb up



get bored 厌烦 call sb up=ring sb up 打电话给…… space rocket 太空火箭 on the phone 在通话 electric toothbrush 电动牙刷 What’s the matter (with)? 怎么了? computer programmer 电脑程序员 What’s wrong (with)? 怎么了? live to be 200 years old 活到200岁 the same as… 与……同样的...

run out和run out of的区别

1、run out是动副型短语动词,作不及物动词,表示“被用完了(become used up)”的被动含义,其主语通常是时间、金钱、食物等无生命名词。例如:2、His money soon ran out. 他的钱很快就花完了。3、Food supplies had run out towards the end of the trip. 在旅行快结束时,食物已经吃完了...

有关take , run , see , put的词组尽量多点 谢谢啦

2.run after追赶3.run at向……冲去4.run away跑开5.run away from逃离6.run back跑回;影片倒回7.run into共计8.run off 逃走9.run out of用完10.run around做短暂拜访11.run through穿过12.run to earth终于找到13.run up积欠see:1.see you再见2.see sb off送别put:1.put about调转航向;传播...

帮忙解释下use up和run out的区别

(something) run out XX 用完了,指物.《例》The ink cartridge of the printer just ran out.(somebody) run out of (something) 某人用光了某物.《例》The Korean team ran out of time at the end,losing a close game 98-100.use up 两种表达方式都可以.主动语态:sb + use up + ...


172. keep sb from doing 阻止某人做某事173. keep sth from sb 把某事瞒着某人174. keep up with 跟上175. knock vi.&vt.&n.敲,击,打176. knock into sb 撞到某人身上;偶然遇到177. knock sth down 降低价格,拆除,缩减开支178. knock off 下班,停工,很快地写出文章179. knock sb up 匆匆做饭,...

run out of和run out的区别有那些?

The water had run out.水已经被用掉了。Tom has run out of the water.汤姆用完了水。2、意思不完全相同 run out:1.跑出去;匆匆离开:sb run out to do sth Lots of students ran out to see what had happened.许多学生跑出去看发生了什么事情。2.(液体)流出:The water runs out at ...


run away with sb\sth 带人私奔\携物潜逃 run sb down 把某人撞倒 run over (车辆等)辗转 in the long run 最后;结果;终究 run out (of) 用完;耗尽 run wild 胡闹;撒野 run off 赶走 run for 竞选 run in 拜访 run at 突然袭击 run into 跑进;撞倒 set set up 建立;创立;竖立 set sail 启航 ...

run down是什么意思?

run down有很多意思例如:严厉批评;斥责;抨击;压缩;削减;减少;降低;(车辆)把…撞伤,撞倒;(机器设备)逐渐损耗,效能降低

run out of 和 run out 和 use up 和 be used up的区别和联系_百度知 ...

run out of 后接用光的物品名词,主语则是 人或地区run out 一般以物做主语,表示该物以用光,以主动形式表示被动意义sb. use up sth.be used up 意义与run out 相同,它本身就是被动形式,主语只能是物例子:我们把钱用光了。We ran out of money.Our money ran out .We used up our money .Our money...


have sb. up 把某人请来作客(通常指从乡下到城内或从低地到高地) [口]传唤(某人)到上级面前 [口]传讯[控告]某人have sth. to do with 与...有关have sth. against sb 因某事不喜欢某人have sth. off (= have got sth. off) 能背诵, 谙记have sth. on one (或one's person)随身带have sth. ...
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