
s cool




so cool是什么意思?

so cool翻译成汉语\x0d\x0a⑴真酷\x0d\x0aI love the guitar riff during the chorus, it's so cool to play.\x0d\x0a我喜欢合唱部分的吉他重复段,它弹得是那么的酷。\x0d\x0a ⑵那么冷酷;那么冷静\x0d\x0a例句 \x0d\x0aShe wanted him to stop being so cool, so ...


I felt a current of cool air.我感觉到一阵凉风。Thank goodness it's cool in here.谢天谢地,这里面挺凉快。In warm weather, you should wear clothing that is cool and comfortable.在热天里,应该穿凉快舒适的衣服。Choose a cool colour such as cream.选择冷色系,比如乳白色。Drain the...

“so cool”是什么意思?

so cool翻译成汉语\x0d\x0a⑴真酷\x0d\x0aI love the guitar riff during the chorus, it's so cool to play.\x0d\x0a我喜欢合唱部分的吉他重复段,它弹得是那么的酷。\x0d\x0a ⑵那么冷酷;那么冷静\x0d\x0a例句 \x0d\x0aShe wanted him to stop being so cool, so ...

“so cool”中文是什么意思?

so cool翻译成汉语\x0d\x0a⑴真酷\x0d\x0aI love the guitar riff during the chorus, it's so cool to play.\x0d\x0a我喜欢合唱部分的吉他重复段,它弹得是那么的酷。\x0d\x0a ⑵那么冷酷;那么冷静\x0d\x0a例句 \x0d\x0aShe wanted him to stop being so cool, so ...


传统的窑洞是冬暖夏凉的覆土式建筑,能耗比普通建筑可以降低70%以上。2、Because of changes in their physiology, leaves are more susceptible to such damage in the cool autumn weather.因为树叶通过改变其生理条件,能更对抗在变凉的秋季天气里的威胁。3、I think their new song's really cool....

It’s cooⅠ and windy in Beijing中文意思是什么啊?

It's cool and windy in Beijing.翻译为汉语是:北京天气凉爽多风。注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。

so cool什么意思

so cool翻译成汉语\x0d\x0a⑴真酷\x0d\x0aI love the guitar riff during the chorus, it's so cool to play.\x0d\x0a我喜欢合唱部分的吉他重复段,它弹得是那么的酷。\x0d\x0a ⑵那么冷酷;那么冷静\x0d\x0a例句 \x0d\x0aShe wanted him to stop being so cool, so ...


cool的意思有:1、冷静的,冷漠的; 凉的; 凉爽的; 酷的,绝妙的; 冷色调的(形容词)例句:Let's sit in the shade and keep cool.翻译:咱们坐在阴凉处乘凉吧。2、(使)冷却,(使)降温; 变淡,减弱(动词)例句:This, in turn, makes cool down time shorter when the driver returns...

weather warm cool这几个单词哪个是不同的?

weather , warm , cool 三个单词里 ,不 同的一个单词 是名词 weather 。- What’s the weather like today ?今天的天气怎么样 ?- It’s cool . ( It’s not warm )天气凉爽。( 天气不热。)答语中可见,其它两个 warm 和 cool 都是 形容词 ,作系动词 is 的表语。
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