With the transfer function in the form of Eq.(2-2A-1), the order of the system in ...Noise inputs that enter the system with the command input require filtering techniques to remove ...extracting method will be multiplexed sampling An analysis station designed as a complete functional...
In some cases, there are other techniques available to improve estimation; for instance, dynamic sampling or multi-column statistics allow the optimizer to more accurately estimate selectivity of conjunctive predicates. In cases where these techniques apply, cardinality feedback is not enabled...
双语例句:1、(February 1969:Armstrong and Aldrin practise their rock-sampling techniques at Sierra Blanca in Texas)1969年2月24日:阿姆斯特朗和尔德林在德克萨斯州的布兰卡山脉训练岩石采样技术。2、(There is so much more to Costa Blanca Spain than this)有如此多的多科斯塔布兰卡西班牙超过...
quantization an sampling 信号表示、压缩、编码、量化和采样; Statistical signal processing , etection , estimation , an classification 统计信号处理、检测、估计和分类; Watermarking , encryption , an ata hiing 水印、加密和数据保密; Wavelets , filter banks , time frequency techniques 小波、滤波器组和时...
2、The results of sampling by using ampoule ball are better than that of sampling by using pipette.安瓿球取样较移液管取样分析结果准确。3、Using machine vision to find the foreign bodies in the ampoule is an inevitable trend in the development of ampoules liquid detection techniques....
were selected from areas believed to be representative of the types of sediments found in China.The provinces where the sampling sites are located ...Preirradiation separation techniques were used to improve the analytical sensitivities for gold and the rare earths.For gold the sample portion(10-20...
• Heitz, Eric. "Sampling the GGX distribution of visible normals." Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques (JCGT) 7.4 (2018): 1-13.• Haines, Eric, and Tomas Akenine-Möller, eds. Ray Tracing Gems: High-Quality and Real-Time Rendering with DXR and Other ...
本翻译符合专业要求,请明鉴,不过赏分有点少了。Spatial Compressive Sensing Approach For Field Directionality Estimation.用于场方向性估计的空间压缩传感方法 I. INTRODUCTION 1. 引言 Variety of techniques for field directionality estimation were studied in literature [1]-[5]. Thus, a ...
李密青,郑金华。一种多目标进化算法解集分布广度评价方法,计算机学报,2011,34(4):642-664。 郑金华,周聪,李珂,吕卉。基于最小二乘法的高维目标减少算法,控制理论与应用。2011,28(7):947-955.李密青,郑金华,李珂。一种非均匀分布问题分布性维护方法,电子学报,2011,39(4):946-952...
[2]张明,伍忠良,天然气水合物BSR的识别与地震勘探频率海洋学报”,2004 Study of Explorational Techniques for Gas Hydrate in South China Sea Zhang Ming Wu Zhongliang Liu Fanglan (Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey,Guangzhou,510760) Abstract:There are 25 cruise have been carried out for gas hydrate si...