
sanity check


sanity check

sanity check,在计算机术语中,翻译为“完整性检查",通常用在对输入数据的检查。

sanity check是什么意思

完整性检查 或 合理性检查 不检查细节,对产品只进行大体功能的正确性进行检测


对于那些热爱克苏鲁神话的跑团玩家,"克苏鲁跑团SC"背后隐藏着深刻含义。简单来说,SC是San Check的缩写,它源自英文"sanity check",在克苏鲁跑团中,这可不是一个普通的词汇,而是一个关键的心理测试。当玩家们在跑团的过程中,遭遇那些超乎常规、令人毛骨悚然的恐怖元素——如克苏鲁神话中的不可名状之...

...求助 ORA-00600: ???, ??: [kccpb_sanity_check_2] 错误

kccpb_sanity_check_2内核函数kernel function负责监测控制文件的健康性,该ORA-600[kccpb_sanity_check_2]一般在alter database mount阶段发生; 该ORA-600[kccpb_sanity_check_2]发生的原因一般是 控制文件controlfile 块头的seq#号大于控制文件头中的seq#,所以该监测函数认为存在控制文件逻辑不一致。...


针对这个 实例mount阶段的ORA-600[kccpb_sanity_check_2]错误,一般有几种解决方法:1、如果多路复用了控制文件,则未必所有控制文件都坏了,修改control_files参数一个个试过来,注意当 好的控制文件和坏的控制文件都在参数control_files里时是无法mount成功的 2、从备份中restore健康的控制文件出来 3、...

C preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check 该怎么办

/lib/cpp fails sanity check的解决 在某些软件的时候,运行./configure会报错,错误提示为: configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sa...

C preprocessor "gcc -E" fails sanity check是怎么回事呢?



I'm the kid that lost my sanity I'm the kid that had the toys with no batteries Mama sat me down for some serious talks On how to keep the rats out the cereal box [SPM]I feel you homie nigga I lived that shit nigga I felt that shit We never felt so rich those ...


line1 [lain]n.1.线,绳,索 钓线 晾衣绳 [复数] 缰绳 (船)索具;帆缆;纲索;锚链 2. (测量用的)绳;卷尺 3. [美国英语]【电学】电线,导线,金属线;电话线;通讯线路 通讯线路系统 接通电话 4. 线路;管子;管道;输电线;输电线系统;管道系统 5.分线;区分;界限 起点;界线;...

求the legion of doom-hands down gandhi的歌词

Justice is the whim of a judge, check his chest density,It leaves much room for error, and the rest left to destiny.The West Memphis 3 lost paradise,It's death penalty vs. suicidal tendencies.All I wanted was a fucking Pepsi.Institution.Making you think you're crazy is a ...
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