



more to the cheongsam add a lot of fine between.Cheongsam is the quintessence of Chinese culture and also Chinese women's national dress, just as the saris of the Indian women, kimono for Japanese women. Qipao woman's body is more suitable for China, skinny people can wear clot...

instead as 如何翻译?

以..来代替,如...举例来说 CMD instead of a saris of manipulation comnands, as RENMAE, EDIT, COBOL, LINK, ect.(CMD文件便可取代一系列的键控命令,如RENAME、EDIT、COBOL、LINK等。)



谁能帮我翻译这篇文章啊 谢谢

所有艺术茂盛了在印度, 装饰布料穿戴身体是最独特, 最少被学习的, 最文化的珍宝。这并且是短暂艺术-- 当woman's 莎丽服或man's dhoti 离开, 它包围身体的特殊样式丢失, 和服装恢复对它平的长方形形式。如果特殊样式装饰变得和依然是不时髦直到所有它的穿戴者死了, 那样式艺术性永久地丢失。 被装饰...


Dear customer Thank you for your recognition and favor to our company. We do this survey of customer satisfaction for optimizing our work and meeting the growing needs of the customers. Please fill the questionnaire below with your sarisfaction lever and give us some valuable suggestion...


he camera need ___C__ ,for it doesn't give.A.to repair B. be repaired C.repairing D.being repaired 选哪个? 为什么? need doing =need to be done可表被动 2.Wait till you are more ___c__,I't's better to content than sorry.A.inspired B.inspiring C.satisfied D.sari...


individual. Meanwhile, Horatio faces off against an old enemy whom he thought was dead, Ron Saris, and apparently, he has put Julia’s life in jeopardy. 追问 thanks 。 本回答由提问者推荐 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 ...

太监? 宦官 ?

They usually dress in saris (traditional Indian garb worn by women) and wear heavy make-up. They typically live in the margins of society, face discrimination and earn their living in various ways, e.g., by coming uninvited at weddings, births, new shop openings and other major family ...




5-HT 2A受体拮抗剂及 5-HT 再摄取抑制剂 (SARIs):曲唑酮 NE 及特异性 5-HT 能抗抑郁药 (NaSSA):米氮平 可逆性单胺氧化酶抑制剂 (RMAOI):吗氯贝胺 三环类抗抑郁药 (TCAs):氯米帕明 抗抑郁药物会有副作用,长期服药需要进行肝、肾功能等相关检查。抑郁症患者需要用药多久?服药应该在...
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