你昨天晚上打呼噜了。 You were snoring last night. =You were sawing logs last night.A: You were snoring last night. 你昨天晚上打呼噜了。B: Maybe I was too tired. 我也许太累了。 我一夜没睡着。 I stayed up the whole night.◆I didn't fall asleep until five o'clock. 我...
金球放入那3个洞里面最下面的那个洞,落下第四块石板,捡起画面下方中间偏右的齿轮,装在右边,上面的齿轮上,拉动 链子(别动火炬...)落下第五块石板。 4 移开左边的大罐子得到锤子,捡起地上的5块木板,一个长钩子,2堆钉子共6个,空碗一个,到左边水桶里打水,调查大石 头,得到打火机,然后用钩子钩石头右上的...
of bamboo, such as a thief pry after light Gu, exterior wall brick and unless the middle bamboo sawing out, can damage to the inside of the bricks, it must be very time consuming, but also causes the great noise. So, please come with me into the house and see it....
最后,他的研究还涵盖了锯切过程中的热磨损问题,论文"Study on the Thermal Wear of Diamond Segmented Tools in Circular Sawing of Granites"出现在Tribology Letters, Vol.10, No.4, 页245-250。徐西鹏的这些论文涵盖了金刚石磨削和锯切技术的多个关键领域,对材料加工和表面工程有着深远的影响。
1、loaf英[l f]美[lo ]。2、n.一条面包; 一条(面包);3、vi.游手好闲; 无所事事; 闲荡;4、[例句]He was sawing energetically at a loaf of bread.他正用力切着一条面包。