



scurry 疾走 vi.急匆匆地走; 使急赶; 催促;n.快步急跑,疾走; 仓皇奔跑声; 骤雨,骤雪; 短距离赛马;第三人称单数:scurries过去分词:scurried复数:scurries现在进行时:scurrying过去式:scurried 例句:1.Overnight, faci...


science 科学 scientist 科学家 scene 银幕 scenery 场景 school 学校


Once upon a time there was a baby eagle living in a nest perched on a cliff overlooking a beautiful valley with waterfalls and streams, trees and lots of little animals, scurrying about enjoying their lives....

哈利波特中 这些对应的名字是指谁呢?

安东宁•多洛霍夫(食死徒) Antonin Dolohov pius thicknesse 是魔法部的法律执行司长 Scrimgeour 魔法部部长 scurry v.intr.(不及物动词)scurried, scurrying, scurries To go with light running steps; scamper...

baby bust

例句:People were scurrying off to work. 搭配短语:to send sb. scurrying to someplace 例句:The noise of the explosion sent everyone scurrying back to their homes. distinctiveness /dɪˈstɪŋk.tɪv.nəs/ n...


One day, as Aiden was scurrying along the ground, he came across a discarded candy wrapper. As he climbed on top of the wrapper, he felt a sudden gust of wind lift him into the air. At first, Aiden...


4,“饥鼠吱吱在承尘上奔窜”译为hungry rats squeaking and scurrying in the neighborhood of the ceilings,其中“承尘”作“天花板”解是我国特有的'文化词之一。 如果直译恐外国人不知所云,译者在这里用了“the neighbor­hood of...


主: all this 谓:cause 宾: them scurrying abuot是修饰all this的。所有这些转来转去的东东,让他们撞上了他们的邻居,然后不规则地向外弹开。

杭州团队旅游景点英语介绍 杭州旅游英语导游词

Scurrying over Jade Emperor Hill 满陇桂雨 Sweet Osmanthus Rain at Manjuelong Village 吴山天风 Heavenly Wind over Wu Hill 阮墩环碧 Ruan Gong Islet Submerged in Greenery 黄龙吐翠 Yellow Dragon Cave Dressed in Green 其他...


The rain sent everyone scurrying for shelter.很高兴看到大家的项目在新的一年都有进展,我的大棚里也是春意盎然,大家看。I am so happy to see that all the projects are made progress in the new year.大家好,...
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