
seek和fina还有look for的区别


seek和fina还有look for的区别

look for和find同义不过它们侧重点不同find强调结果,look for强调过程

seek和fina还有look for的区别 主要有什么区别啊

seek多指在一群东西中寻找,或搜寻,也有抽象的追求之意.find强调找到,I find sth.不是我在找,而是已经找到.look for强调寻找的过程,I am looking for sth指的是我正在寻找,


Some critics have gone so far as to assert that Sergeant Cuff from Collins's The Moonstone is the model for Sherlock Holmes because both men look alike, are analytical, and retire to the country to raise roses. Whatever the sources of the Holmes adventures, their ingenious blend of crime an...
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