Tsinghua University (founded as early as 1911): Self-discipline and Social mitment zhidao.baidu/question/3856681 参考资料:?高楼居士㊣ 天行健,自强不息的英文是什么 天行健,自强不息(The movement of heaven is full of power,makes oneself strong and untiring.)--"天行健,君子以自强不息...
提示,阐明 prompt, expound 2.缺乏自律 lack od self discipline 3.普通百姓 the common people 4.制定,设立 establish 5.避开,避免 avoid 6.等待有利时机 awaiting for the optimal opportunity 7.对…感到厌恶 feel disgusted 8.穿着得体 good decourum 9.恢复平衡 regain balance 10.关键;...
2015-08-25 Cross 是什么意思啊? 2015-01-10 cross-discipline postgraduates... 2017-12-16 cross是什么意思? 2015-02-28 self-discipline是什么意思 2 2015-03-28 cross-disciplinary是什么意思 3 2015-04-06 business discipline什么意思 2 2015-05-23 self-discipline是什么意思 2015-02-18 sel...
8、最大的心安,是自律温柔和爱自己。The greatest peace of mind is self-discipline, gentleness and love.9、当你越来越优秀的时候,就会遇见越来越好的人。As you get better and better, you will meet better and better people.10、我现在自律,是不想未来没拿到录取通知书躲在被窝里哭。I'...
让人充满正能量的励志句子,简短大气,富含英语英汉互译给大家分享!1、无论生活如何对待你,希望你能够保持自律,保持清醒。No matter how life treats you, I hope you can keep self-discipline and keep awake.2、不知道今后会遇见什么,但阳光这么好,请别辜负了这么美好的今天。I don't know ...
self-discipline and social commitment 厚德载物 双语对照 例句:1.no commitment and no guts!没有承诺和没有勇气!2.what's her name and social security number?她的名字和社会安全号是什么?
self control n. 自我控制, 自控 1.the act of denying yourself; controlling your impulses 同义词:self-denial,self-discipline 2.the trait of resolutely controlling your own behavior 同义词:self-possession,possession,willpower,will power,self-command,self-will ...
askesis 英['ɑ:skɪsɪs] 美['ɑ:skɪsɪs]n. 苦行禁欲; 自律 [例句]It is the classics that cause askesis, or self-discipline.正是经典使我们更加自律。
Continuous self-improvement and moral support。清华大学秉持“自强不息、厚德载物”的校训和“行胜于言”的校风,坚持“中西融汇、古今贯通、文理渗透”的办学风格和“又红又专、全面发展”的培养特色,弘扬“爱国奉献、追求卓越”传统和“人文日新”精神。恰如清华园工字厅内对联所书——“槛外山光,...