


search websites中文翻译

To meet the increased demands for information searching , professional search websites appeared on the scene 为保持公司持续高速发展,与竞争对手进行长期抗衡, google积极寻求新的增长点。The key technology related includes website topological structure *** ysis , webpage content *** ysis...


site [sait] n. 位置,地点 场所,地方 地皮,地基,选址 遗址,遗迹 【计算机】网站,站点 [1994] vt. 给…造址;为…提供场所;坐落于: to site a new building 为新建楼房选址 设置: to site a roadblock 设置路障 短语: on site 临场;在现场变形: vt. sited . siting 以上来源于:...

s and historical sites有名胜古迹怎样的翻译

名胜古迹的英文翻译是cenic Spots and Historical Sites。


site:n.地点,位置,场所;[计算机]网站;遗址;地皮 vt.使坐落在;安放,设置;给…造址;为…提供场所 spot:n.地点,场所;斑点,污点;[股票]现货;职位,职务 v.弄上污渍,弄上斑点;污辱,玷污;认出,发现;散步 adj.现场的;现货的;插播的 abbr.satellite positioning and tracking 卫星...


中文意思:网站,也称为全球资讯网的主机站。英式发音[ˈwebsaɪt],美式发音 [ˈwebsaɪt] 。例句如下:1、With these basic techniques, you can mine the data of any website or information source.通过这些基本技术,您可以挖掘任何网站和信息源的数据。2、Poke around ...

conserved sites是什么意思poorly conserved sites呢?

是一个 生物物理学的网站 conserved sites 是指 被保护的站点 536 conserved targets, with a total of 581 conserved sites and 134 poorly conserved sites.主要是说 在581个受保护的站点中,536个基因类型是主要观察对象,134个是保护(或保存)不佳的站点 ...

MEGA 的 No common sites found

感谢 原贴 答主白墨 错误 解决过程 看文档,文档的提示如下:https://www.megasoftware.net/webhelp/errormessages_hc/hc_no_common_sites.htmwww.megasoftware.net No Common Sites For the sequences and data subset options selected,  MEGA  found zero common sites. If you ...

social networking websites什么意思

social networking websites 社交网站 、社交网络、 社交性网站 1.Social networking websites can provide narcissists with forums where they pursue their addiction to grandiosity while maintaining shallow relationships.社区网络站点能够提供为自恋者提供一个可以沉迷于溢美之词的地方来维持他们浅薄的关系...

historical sites是什么意思

historical sites 历史遗迹 例句:1.You will visit world-famous scenic spots, historical sites, and magnificent ancient architectural complexes and apperciate precious cultural relics.各位将要游览举世闻名的经典和名胜,参观雄伟的古建筑群,观赏珍贵的中国文物。2.Anticipating these and other ...

分析句子成份There are many websites on the Internet ..._百度...

介词短语做后置定语。on the internet,在网络上。in English 英文的。翻译过来是,有许多网络上的英文网页可以帮助你增加你的词汇量。都是形容websites“网站”的 可以改成定语从句的捏~~There are many websites(which are)on the Internet (and) in English that will help you increase your...
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