



今天我要向大家介绍一下我的家乡,天津。1 today let me introduce my hometown Tianjing.天津是中国的直辖市,有600余年的历史。人口超过1000万人。2 Tianjing is a municipality of China which has more than 600 years history and more than 10,000,000 population.距首都北京仅137公里。两地开通...


Rose thorn skewers the little nightingale's heart 用那里的血染红了自己的花心。Use where the blood reddened the own flower heart.学生起床后来到花园,Students get up later to garden,看见了世界上最鲜艳、最美丽的红蔷薇。See the world most bright-coloured, the most beautiful red rose.他...



我喜欢的城市乌鲁木齐 英语作文200字

baked buns, lamb skewers, Liangpi child ... Think of all drooling, there are a variety of fruit yet.Autumn, autumn girl came, yellow leaves flying in the air, bringing pear, apple, peach, wheat ... and other fruits and crops.In winter, the north wind blowing, the snow...


羊肉串的英文:mutton kebab mutton 读法 英 ['mʌt(ə)n] 美 ['mʌtn]n. 羊肉 短语:stewed mutton 红烧羊肉;糊羊肉;烩羊肉 例句:1、Hard fat around the kidneys and loins in beef and mutton.牛肉和羊肉中靠近肾和腰的硬脂肪。2、Our specialities today are beef ...


simulate skewers slenderer slumps smitten smokers snobbery socialism Socrates soother sources spenders spirited splashy spooler spouted squares squint standards stanzas starfish starling status steamers stemming stoves strains strangled straws stress striding striker styles subnets subsume sucrose ...


fried food you can not eat food, snacks, ah, skewers ah, chicken is cooking oil, now disease is eat these things...是的,爸爸就是这样,注重一切安全,不能有半点马虎。妈妈总说,你说你爸一个男人怎么会细心到如此地步……我想是因为他爱我们才这样的吧,因为只有爱才会让一个人变得心...

求助 英文翻译--菜谱,谢绝翻译器!

一、 新菜、特色菜推介 Special Dishes Recommendations 1益盛盐焗鸡 YiSheng Baked Salted Chicken 2羊肚菌六宝汤 Morel with Six Treasures Soup 3红烧乳鸽皇 Braised Pigeonneau in Brown Sauce 4鲍汁扒网鲍 Stewed Amidori in Abalone Sauce 5冰糖木瓜雪蛤 Steamed Forest Frog with Papaya in Rock...


in Casserole 酥炸鸡胸Deep-Fried Crispy Chicken Breast 杏仁百花脆皮鸡Sautéed Crispy Chicken with Shrimp Paste and Almond 沙姜焗软鸡Baked Chicken with Ginger 上素炒鸽脯Sautéed Pigeon Breast with Vegetables 烧鸡肉串Roasted Chicken Skewers 四川辣子鸡Sautéed Diced Chicken with Chilli Pepper ...


材料:(1)中型虾一磅;(2)鲜干贝(scallops)一磅;(3)橄榄油或沙拉油 1/2杯;(4)大蒜三瓣,切碎;(5)parsley切碎,1/3杯(6)面包屑1/2杯;(7)盐、胡椒少许;(8)柠檬2/3个,切大片;(9)烧竹棒(skewers)四至六根。作法:1.虾去泥肠,剥壳。2.用纸巾将虾和干贝的水分吸乾。3.把其他材料混合在一起(柠檬...
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