


汉译英 不要在线翻译

"I'll take the horse donkey from his master's hand cheat to come over." One of the liar said to his colleague."How to cheat?" Another asked.The liar appear confident, say: "you look at!"So, this liar walk to the hair donkey side, smuggle bridle took it down, set in...


2.This gives the design team a sound basis for their work.这为设计组开展工作提供了坚实的基础。3.Good writing is unfortunately the exception rather than the rule.可惜优秀的文字作品真是可遇不可求败孙。4.They were foiled in their attempt to smuggle the paintings.他们走私绘画作品的...


舶来的欧洲小歌剧在美国的成功演出对美国本土的小歌剧创作起到良好的促进作用,虽然在欧洲影响下产生了许多小歌剧作品,但与欧洲的水平相比,仍然存在不小的差距。 美国人苏萨(John Plilip Sousa),在欧洲的影响下,最先创作小歌剧他自1879年起写了一部《走私船》(The Smuggles)后写了共19部作品,但和欧洲作品没...


the William even throws to make use of academic steal treasures in tomb the ancient Sir( SUN ZHOU SHI4) of the smuggle, depend on the financial power of the other party, continue to carry onthe research, selfish behavior of the Jack rebuke William;一对曾出身入死的好友因信念回...

Eminem 的Soldiers这首歌的歌词 注意 不是Like toy soilders

You can smuggle lawsuits as soon as I walks in the room Everybody's hearts just stops, they call the cops All you see is bitches coming out their halter tops Running and ducking up at Hot Rock's parking lot You'll all get shot, whether its your fault or not [Chorus][...


women must take care of their houses. But not all the people are good and honest. Elkanah Bent, a big enemy of George and Orry, with a help form Orry's sister; Ashton, smuggle precious goods from Europe. George's brother and sister-in-law want to become rich from the war...

为什么叫 “走私” 不叫 “走公 ”



世界上的咖啡大部分是生长在巴西。不久前,一unseasonal 霜冻席卷咖啡种植园那里。结果在受影响的人 长期以来许多国家来。起初,收到了广泛的损害报告。这些导致了尖锐 上升的咖啡价格,迄今一直没有得到一个非常有利可图 作物。在其他国家的种植者作出额外的努力,增加其 出口利润预期的短缺。然而,他们...


Eminem - Business(translate by yarx)[Dr. Dre] Marshall, sounds like an S.O.S.[Dr Dre]: Marshall, 听着像是个求救信号。[Eminem] Holy wack, unlyrical lyrics Andre, you're fuckin'right [Eminem]: 神圣的打击不抒情的,Andre,你说的对![Dr. Dre] To the rapmobile, let's go...


To smuggle:偷运,走私:run guns.私运枪支To evade and pass through:穿过:避开并穿过:run a roadblock.穿过路障To pass over or through:穿过,越过:run the rapids.冲过急流To cause to flow:使流动:run water into a tub.把水注入管道中To stream with:流出:The fountains ran champagne.泉水流出香槟酒...
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