



1. Keep your woman away from Chuck. He’s a babe magnet. Wilfred thinks he’s a chick magnet, but he only snags the dogs.2.Man, I like your new chick magnet. Get any yet? He thought of a new car as a “babe magnet,” but all it drew was the repo man.5 n. an...

There is no denying the fact that 是什么意思

There is no denying the fact that意思是不可否认。一、deny:英 [dɪˈnaɪ] 美 [dɪˈnaɪ]vt.拒绝;拒绝承认;拒绝…占有;否认知情 二、fact 英 [fækt] 美 [fækt]n.实际;事实,实情;真相,证据;犯罪行为 1、There is no ...

turn on 是什么意思

turn on的意思:打开、(使)兴奋、发动。短语 turn one on 吸引 Turn-on Transients 导通瞬态 turn-on condition 开通条件 to turn people on 让人感兴趣 例句 1、A few weeks back, we ran into a few snags when we first started rolling this out, but starting today you can turn on ...

All the young dudes 歌词翻译

What a drag too many snags 真令人沉沦 Now I've drunk a lot of wine and I'm feeling fine 我喝了许多酒感觉轻飘飘 Got to race some cat to bed 去泡妞吧 Oh is there concrete all around 但是这是个混凝土的世界 Or is it in my head 在我的脑海挥之不去 Yeah I'm a dude ...


My favorite one rakugo performer called Russell Peters, he was Canada's second -generation Indian immigrants , specializing in ethnic jokes , and good imitation of various ethnic accents , whether Chinese , Indian or Italian, he be able to find prominent features exaggerated imitation ,...

初一上册英语作文:How to use computers

How to use computers With the improvement of the standard of people’s lives, more and more people make use of computers. Therefore, computer plays an important role in our lives. We can use computer to watch film, search for information, shopping online, online learning and so ...


一个感人的爱情故事 A girl and a boy were on a motorcycle, speeding through the night. They loved each other a lot..Girl:" Slow down a little.. I'm scared.."Boy: "No, it's so fun.."Girl: "Please... it's so scary.."Boy: "Then say that you love me.."Girl: ...

All The Young Dudes 歌词

What a drag too many snags Now I’ve drunk a lot of wine and I’m feeling fine Got to race some cat to bed Oh is there concrete all around Or is it in my head Yeah I’m a dude dad All the young dudes (hey dudes)Carry the news (where are ya)Boogaloo dudes (stand...


梵文Mahā-mayūrī-vidyā-rājan,藏文Rig-snags-kyi rgyal-mo rma-byachen-mo)孔雀明王一头四臂,为菩萨形,驾孔雀,故曰孔雀明王(明王非忿怒尊),具名佛母大金曜孔雀明王 密教本尊之一。依大孔雀明王画像坛场仪轨所载,孔雀明王呈一面四臂之相,手持莲花、俱缘果、吉祥果、孔雀尾,跨乘金色孔雀...
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