



says Louise Dembry, director of epidemiology at Yale–New Haven Hospital in Connecticut. And to protect others, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, and clean your hands afterward, she says, noting that viruses can remain infectious for hours, if not...


Faced with this severe disease, here are some everyday measures we should take to stay healthy. First, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Avoid touching your eyes, ...


9. I’m very excited to be taking a vacation around China ! → be excited to do sth. 做某事很激动10. Who is more athletic , Gao Yan or Li Tong ?附:音节小议英语的音素分为元音和辅音两大类,由一个元音或一个元音加一个或几个辅音结合构成的语音单位叫做音节。例如:...


影迷信箱 : Rowan Atkinson Fan Club,P.O Box 89,St Leonards On Sea,East Sussex, TN38 9ZX, UK Rowan Atkinson 5 Soho Square London WC2N 4LL UK 编辑本段|回到顶部憨豆早期生活 1955年生于英国达勒姆郡的Consett。他的父亲,埃里克·阿特金森(Eric Atkinson),是一个农场主和一间企业的主管。他的父母...


That's nothing to sneeze at. Or more accurately, that's a lot to sneeze at. Not all ...9. Split your breakfast and lunch schedules in two. Use half for eating and the other half

good manners有哪些

good manners的意思是好的习惯。好的习惯有:1、饮食习惯:例如用自己的杯子喝水;愉快安静进餐,不挑食,吃饭不掉饭粒、菜叶等。2、睡眠习惯:按时睡觉,按时起床。3、整理玩具、文具、图书习惯:小学生游戏过后要自己收拾玩具,写完作业要及时把文具收进文具盒里,看完画册和书籍要整齐放进书架或有次序...

求分析句型 下列一些句子那些是无主语句?请划分主谓宾定状补。求详细...

是要英语的吗?1、有一股味道 2、我这儿没有这样的书 3、怪冷的 4、他的笔记上写的很明白 5、他脸上又没写着 6、在黑暗中看不见他 7、千万别惹出什么事 8、但愿不要有什么事 9、根本不是开玩笑 10、谈不上 11、屋里很闷 12、把他们撮合成一对 13、看得出来 14、斋期吃素不利健康,...


9、xxx补习班 为学生点亮智慧的烛光 10、当别的孩子落选,苦苦寻找工作时;我已以金榜题名高薪就业。...-Sneeze, cover your mouth and nose; After sneezing, careful rubbing eyes.打喷嚏,捂口鼻;喷嚏后

she arrives smiling,smiling 在这句话中做方式状语还是伴随状语?_百度...

bed and was badly injured.本句可以改写成:She arrives and smiled. 但是,若两个动作不是同时发生,则不能用分词短语,而应该用 and + 并列谓语。例如:(误) They started out at 8, arriving at the airport at 9. (正) They started out at 8 and arrived at the airport at 9....

介绍感冒药怎么吃的说明 英语作文

9、请将此药品放在儿童不能接触的地方。 【相互作用】1、与其它解热镇痛药同用,可增加肾毒性的危险。 2、正在服用单氨氧化酶抑制剂(用于抑郁症等精神疾病,或帕金森病),或在停药后二周内,请不要使用本品,如果不能确定患儿服的药中是否含有单氨氧化酶抑制剂,服用本品前请咨询医生。 3、本品不宜与氯霉素、...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
