



vi.核实,查核;中止;打勾;[象棋]将一军;n.<美>支票;制止,抑制;检验,核对。例句:1、Check the container for cracks or leaks.检验容器是否有裂缝或者漏的地方。2、She gave me the minutes of the meeting to read and check.她把会议记录交给我审阅。3、Check the oil and water before ...


唯美的早安英文句子三 早晨早十分钟起床,可以挤十分钟读书 ┈━☆收集发布者:美语录┈━═☆分类:英文语录>>早安英文 1、To get up early in the morning ten minutes, you can squeeze the ten minutes to read; at night, a little less TV, turn a few pages should be done. 早晨早十分钟起床,可...


3、The Moon Thy beauty haunts me heart and soul.o thou fair moon,so close and bright.Thy beauty makes me like the child.that cries aloud to own thy light.The lttle child that lifts each arm.to press thee to her bosom warm.Though there are birds that sing this night.with...

Internet 是谁创造的?什么是域名?

第一次进行MBONE音频广播(3月)和视频广播(11月)。 4月,RIPE的Network Coordination Center(NCC)建立,向欧洲的Internet用户提供地址注册和协调服务。(:dk1:) Nevada大学发布了gopher空间查询工具Veronica。 世界银行提供在线服务。 Jean Armour Polly创造术语"网络冲浪"("surfing the Internet")。(:jap:) Brendan ...


And you listen to my pitiful sobs,To my worries and woes with apt intentness;You explain to me, the truth of life, the way to success,Sweeping away,My sadness.When I fulfill my dreams,You also scream to the extremes;You cheer and smile,Giving me your brightest beams;‘Do ...


是青岛出版社的《唐诗三百首》,封面见以下图: 前面十五首目录: 卷一 五言古诗 感遇(其一)/张九龄/3 感遇(其二)/张九龄/4 下终南山过斛斯山人宿置酒...There are sobs when death is the cause of parting; But life has its partings again and again. ...From the poisonous damps of the southern...


喑痱怎么读介绍如下:yīn fèi。喑:1、喑 yīn (1) (形声。2、从口,音声。3、本义:小儿哭泣不止) (2) 同本义 [cry ceaselessly] 喑,宋齐谓儿泣不止曰喑。4、――《说文》 (3) 恚怒声。5、相当于“嗯” [anger]   徐郎见言,大怒:“喑,我教你去捉太公,主将倒来取救兵!”――《...

how are you??

2.What I said to God through my gasping sobs was something like this: "Hello, God.How are you? I'm Liz. It's nice to meet you. "我喘息的呜咽中,我跟神的对话,类似这样:“哈啰,神啊。您好吗?我是小莉。很高兴认识您。”3.'How do you do, Mr Birkin, ' she said, in...
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