



副词 adv.1.坚固地;牢靠地 The house was built solidly of rough wooden planks.这房子是用粗木板牢固地建造的。2.团结一致地 The whole class goes solidly against the monitor’s suggestion.全班都反对班长的建议。3...




7. 我们在这个问题上是团结一致的.We are solidly united on this issue.问题二:团结这个英语单词怎么写 solidarity 英 [?s?l??d?r?ti] 美 [?s:l??d?r?ti]n.团结 例句:Supporters want to march tomorrow ...


在这句话中,"from solidly" 是用作介词短语,"from" 作为介词,表示从某个状态到另一个状态的变化。而 "solidly" 是一个副词,用以修饰 "middle class",表示稳固的中产阶级。所以,整句的意思是:现在一个解雇通知、...

she was so solidly committed to her 是什么意思啊。。。

翻译如下:she was so solidly committed to her 她对她非常忠诚。

译读经典 | 老人与海(十七):四个小时的僵持

and the old man was still braced solidly with the line across his back.大鱼稳稳地游着,他们在平静的水面上慢慢移动。其他鱼饵还在水里,但并不需要处理。“真希望那男孩儿在这儿。”老人出声说。“我被一条鱼拖着...

soild supported什么意思?

首先是句子语法有错,应该是: solidly supported 或是: solid support.意思就是: 得到坚实的支持/ 即得到了大力的支持。若果是化学的则应翻译为: 得到了有力的证明。很希望会对你有帮助。若满意请采纳,谢谢你 ...

a disappearing spouse can reduce a family from solidly middle...

副词修饰形容词,middle class视作一个形容词,中等收入的,和poor同性,故皆用副词修饰


In vacation "if" really very many, but which side regardless of you do face to walk you all to have to be sure to remember certainly must solidly walk according to the plan each step, cuts cannot let indulge, be...


myself on the determination must [ wants tomake any in myself ] and [ myself can make any ] between to establisha reasonably balance point. After the university three years placestudy and the enhancement, ...


Temple Fu Yanhan is straight Jianjun, and had walked the Khitan, as the men accuse, Wei escapement to *** ell; life appliances to perspective, to solidly, cut in the west. In in the county to Jian Su, and ...
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