



solve的意思:解决 双语例句:She tried her best to solve the problem.她尽了最大的努力解决这个问题。Attempts are being made to solve the problem of waste disposal.正在想办法解决废物处理的问题。The problem can be solved in all manner of ways.这个问题可以用各种方法加以解决。This won'...


2、It is so clever of you to have solved the puzzle.你能解答那个难题真是聪明。3、The only way to solve homelessness is to provide more homes.解决无家可归的惟一途径是提供更多的收容所。4、This plan can solve both problems at once.该计划可以同时解决这两个问题。5、She tried ...


solve resolve dissovle 的区别是:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同 一、意思不同 1、solve的意思是:解决;处理; 解答;破解 例句:It is so clever of you to have solved the puzzle.你能解答那个难题真是聪明。2、resolve的意思是:解决(问题或困难);决心; 决定; 作出决定;表决; 坚定的...


- The two countries resolved their differences and signed a peace treaty.(两个国家解决了分歧,签署了和平条约。)- He resolved to quit smoking and started a fitness program.(他决定戒烟并开始了健身计划。)"solve" 则更多地表示找到问题的答案或解决方案。例如:- She solved the math ...


solve的意思:解决 双语例句:She tried her best to solve the problem.她尽了最大的努力解决这个问题。Attempts are being made to solve the problem of waste disposal.正在想办法解决废物处理的问题。The problem can be solved in all manner of ways.这个问题可以用各种方法加以解决。This won'...


- The two countries resolved their differences and signed a peace treaty.(两个国家解决了分歧,签署了和平条约。)- He resolved to quit smoking and started a fitness program.(他决定戒烟并开始了健身计划。)"solve" 则更多地表示找到问题的答案或解决方案。例如:- She solved the math ...


resolve通常指对问题或情况的各方面进行周密的分析或思索,以便得出结论或解法,但不暗示寻找答案。solve双语【例句】1、Talk to me about whatever is troubling you,I'll help you solve it.把你的麻烦事讲给我听吧,我来帮你解决。2、He finally solved the difficulty of transportation.他终于解决了...


solve, resolve, dissolve有什么区别呢?solve resolve dissovle 的区别是:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同 一、意思不同 1、solve的意思是:解决;处理; 解答;破解 例句:It is so clever of you to have solved the puzzle.你能解答那个难题真是聪明。2、resolve的意思是:解决(问题或困难);...


- The two countries resolved their differences and signed a peace treaty.(两个国家解决了分歧,签署了和平条约。)- He resolved to quit smoking and started a fitness program.(他决定戒烟并开始了健身计划。)"solve" 则更多地表示找到问题的答案或解决方案。例如:- She solved the math ...
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