some more、 any more、 one more 的区别
many more本身不是一个整体。比如“many more people”就是很多其他的人、更多的人这种意思。它的后面加上可数名词复数,实际上是这样一种用法:more可以置于数词或者any,some,no,a few,a little,many,much的后面,表示另外的、附加的、超过的。much more的意思比较丰富,它后面加的是不可数名词...
one 和ones的区别:1、one只能替代单数名词,而one的复数形式ones只能替代复数名词。例如:My child doesn”t like this book.Show her a more interesting one.我的孩子不喜欢这本书。给她看一本更有趣的。2、one或ones在形容词比较级、最高级以及某些限定词如this,that, which和序数词等之后...
The journey took exactly one hundred days.—M.Swan.这次旅行整整历时100天。(这里说的是一个事实,所以要用one,不用a,并可加饰exactly这样一个副词)比较:Give me an apple,will you?给我一只苹果,好吗?(是与some或any相对而言)Give me one apple,will you?给我一只苹果,好吗...
more的读音是:英[m??(r)]。more的读音是:英[m??(r)]。more的例句是用作代词(pron.)There are more cars on the road in the summer than in the winter.夏天路上的车子比冬天多。more的词语用法是adv.(副词)more用作副词是many和much的比较级,可构成多数两个或两个以上音节的形容词或...
中文释义:不再 例句:After about three months, I was no longer addicted to nicotine.大约3个月后,我就不再对尼古丁上瘾了。2、not any more 英文发音:[nɒt ˈeni mɔː(r)]中文释义:不再 例句:No one's going to hurt you. No one. Not any more 没有人...
了解完它们的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别吧ლ(・∀・ )ლ区别一:词性和用法不同 none是代词,可用于替代名词或者指代前面提到的一类人或事物。而no one类似于不定代词,始终指人,不能指代物。例句:①None of the books was easy to read. 这些书都...
缺课be away from school 少于/多于/晚于less/more/laterthan每隔多久(发生一次) how often 多久(指一段时间) how long 再多些/再来一块(个,张……) some more/one more 我可以吃一块蛋糕吗May/Could I have a piece of cake, please? 随便吃…… help yourself to… 只要一点点 just a little 你...
您好,答案为C 数量词+more+名词(可数) :更多+数量。如果这个数量词超过一,那么后面的那个可数名词要改成复数形式,如例题中的 some more bananas。A.another 和D.one more单数名词 希望能帮到您
"This room is no bigger than that." 表示“这个房间并不比那个大”,暗示两个房间都不大。而 "This room is not bigger than that one." 则是直接比较两个房间,表示“这个房间不比那个大”,但没有对大小进行整体性评价。在使用 "any more than" 或 "no more than" 时,它们用来强调两者...
According to the weather forecast,it’s going be a hot one.天气预报说,今天会很热。one只能代替可数名词单数, 代替可数名词复数时用ones。例句:I like this pen more than that one. (one代替可数名词单数pen)There were a few young people and some older ones in the house. (ones...