



00 。还有的另一回事。那么,你知道你是否有一种舞蹈,说明什么问题呢?那么,有一天我们得到前座!它是免费的。 i有点吓坏了,在第一cuz男子达是跳舞都白化妆了他。但结果soooo镗!我爸和我的睡眠时间为整个展。不过,我有点感觉粗鲁运行真快,并设法争取前排座椅,并结束了沉睡在整个时间。


And though you’ll regret spending money on a lot of things (like that lava lamp you just had to have ‘cause it was soooo 90s), there are a ton of things you should feel proud to spend those hard-earned dollars on. 1. A work-appropriate wardrobe loaded with staple pieces Even if ...


American donkey(美国驴)!You all(你们全部!)! All are refuses(全是垃圾!)!Bad egg(坏蛋!)!hooker(女表 子)!Fattest men(特别肥胖的人)(fat在英语里是个贬义词 这里是最高级)!I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooo(非常)(故意延长) hate you all(讨厌你们全部的人)!Hate all ...

Blank 2day~~cause of some1 's msg is soooo funny like a shit hah...


I want to throw my iPad 2 away, Jesus, it's soooo

Is your ipad running ios6 or ios7?As far as I know, the 2th generation iPad runs ios7 without any pressure,but the latest ios 7.0.4 got too much bugs which reduces customer's experience.therefore,wait for the ios 7.1,it will not let you down!

why u not 2 sleep? is soooo late now 什么意思

why you not to sleep?Is so late now


1.in the center of the yard 2.in my left 3.on the right side of the classroom 4.in the rear yard 5.cleaning study 6.play computer

waaaaay 什么意思?

就是way way做副词修饰表示强调 多加a就是加强语气的作用 sooooooooo beautiful! soooo much! daaaaamn it !my gooooood! 英语中短的词还是经常这样用的。

英国留学行李清单 请求帮助

刀(推荐带,英国人做饭不怎么需要动大刀的,但这边的刀不适合剁排骨,soooo,大家自己想了。)砧板(英国有得卖,质量还行)刨皮刀(最好带一下,又不是很重)碗筷(chinatown里有得卖。TJ Huges里的碗很便宜,而且不丑)刀叉(英国有得卖)洗洁精(home bargain里49p 650ml~)保鲜袋(因为我...

告诉我一下这是什么电影,好人一生平安,thank you soooo much...

2017新版 中文名:牡丹花下 外文名:The Beguiled 简介:http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E7%89%A1%E4%B8%B9%E8%8A%B1%E4%B8%8B/19490861#viewPageContent
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