



sovereign英 [ˈsɒvrɪn] 美 [ˈsɑ:vrən]n.君主; 最高统治者; 独立国; 旧时价值为一镑的英国金币;adj.至高无上的; 独立自主的; 拥有最高统治权的; 极好的;[网络]至高无上; 君; 统治者;[例句]Lithuania and Armenia signed a treaty in Vilnius recognisin...

英语作文"more important things in life"

In Oct .1st.2009 ,it is the sixty birthday of my country---China.In that year,we celebrate it for one week,and it is said that China is a famous country all over the world.we have our soverelgnty(主权).we get respected from other counties.In 2011,China send a new sat...

英语作文 选择你生活中最重要的三年

In Oct .1st. 2009 ,it is the sixty birthday of my country---China. In that year, we celebrate it for one week, and it is said that China is a famous country all over the world. we have our soverelgnty(主权). we get respected from other counties.In 2011,China ...
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