


关于朱家角的英文介绍 请帮忙翻译一下

上海威尼斯 座落于上海近郊的朱家角是一个享誉全国的水乡古镇。这个占地面积47平方公里,有着1700余年历史的扇形小镇,犹如一刻璀璨的明珠,闪耀在湖山辉映中,因此,它又被人称之为“珍珠项链”。这座小城是上海保存最完好的四座古城之一。潺潺溪流上古老而精致的小桥,夹岸杨柳中掩映的小河,庭院深深的老宅...


The Three Gorges Dam is a hydroelectric dam that spans the Yangtze River by the town of Sandouping, located in Yiling District, Yichang, Hubei province, China. The Three Gorges Dam is the world's largest power station in terms of installed capacity (22,500 MW). In 2014 the ...


例句:She managed to get through the crowded street.(她设法穿过拥挤的街道。)He climbed over the wall to enter the garden.(他翻过墙壁进入花园。)The bridge spans across the river.(这座桥横跨河流。)Be careful when you cross the busy intersection.(过繁忙的交叉口时要小心。)


encompass的意思如下:vt.包含,包括,涉及(大量事物);包围;围绕;围住 encompass双语例句:1、This allows a transaction to encompass the action of an ME that spans two components.这让事务可以包含跨两个组件的ME动作。2、If you can truly encompass these 5 qualities, women will prospect you ...


The electromagnetic spectrum spans a wide range of frequencies.(电磁谱跨越广泛的频率范围。)The spectra of these stars indicate different chemical compositions.(这些恒星的光谱显示出不同的化学组成。)3. 用法区别:"Spectrum" 用于描述连续的一系列范围或光谱。"Spectra" 用于描述多个范围或光谱...


2、The Regent’s Park spans 166 hectares and was designed in 1811 by renowned architect John Nash.摄政公园占地166公顷(合410亩),是由著名的建筑师约翰纳什在1811年设计的。3、The renowned writer, a timeless teacher, was executed on May 2, 1980.一个永恒的老师和著名作家,1980年5月...


所支持的查询输出形式包括文本文件和表格形式两种,并可使用Arc/InfO-Arcview,Mapinfo和SPANS TBA格式等转换工具直接转换到GIS系统中; (4)支持多种操作平台。“野外记录”软件一般在AutoCAD图形环境中操作,并增加了地理、地质过程操作能力。自由开发环境和操作许多硬件和系统平台的能力,因此野外记录软件可用在DOS、Windows...

CF有哪些枪 {资料}

有人说SPANS-12是把霰弹枪近距离的优势发挥到了极致,我非常赞同这种说法,可以说CF中没有一把枪在近距离相遇可以敌得过SPANS-12. 此枪除了近距离优势明显外,在中距离同样可以有一定的杀伤力,这点是XM1014无法相比的,另外穿透效果一流,缺点是子弹少,射速慢,注意此枪一定要瞄准了再打,因为两发子弹之间的间隔时间...


The largest of the three artificial islands on West Lake, the isle covers an area of 7000 square meters. The island with its inside lake is crisscrossed with many zigzagging bridges; a causeway that spans from west to east; the heavenly lights and clouds reflections in the glass...


This suggests clones could live longer life spans although many died young after excessive growth. Researchers think that this could eventually be developed to reverse aging in humans, provided that this is based chiefly on the shortening of telomeres. Although some work has been performed on ...
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