他像一匹马驹昂头急奔:步幅匀称,步频紧凑,蹬动有力,腰肢放松——整个动作显得优美而富有弹性 The boy runs well, already began sprinting into uniform runs way from. He is like a pony head: a stride frequency symmetry, compact, pedal, powerful, waist relaxed -- the whole action is beautiful and ...
001cc2a6Medic's 治愈目标. 001f109cMutant Slayer's 50%额外伤害对超级变种人. 001e6848Never Ending 无限弹夹. 001cc2acNimble 瞄准时移动加快75%....001F579D Cavalier's 15% reduced damage while blocking or sprinting001F4D18 Chameleon Hard to detect while sneaking and not moving001CF57C Cunning...
(The fastest sprinting speed is cheetah while the fastest running speed is a type of the antelope) 本回答由提问者推荐 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 Rhapsodia晚枫 2008-06-11 · TA获得超过1.1万个赞 知道大有可为答主 回答量:4143 采纳率:50% 帮助的人:2697万 我...
进入游戏后按下:F1 启动或关闭第三人称视角 F2 跳至下一个检查点 F3 启动或关闭穿墙模式(对于山洞被石堆堵住的Bug很好用)F4 启动无敌或关闭 F10 跳至前一个检查点 右方的数字键1 获得火箭发射器、散弹枪及SCAR步枪 右方的数字键2 弹药无限 右方数字键的Enter 侦错模式选单 方法二:游戏中直接...
This means you will get 1 Metal ingot for every 2 Metal chunks that are added to your refinary. Adding only 1 chunk of metal to a refinary will do nothing. Once you have refined your 12 chunks and gotten your 6 Metal Ingots, you are ready for the crafting stage of the guide. 制作...
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 等等等...也是切换形态..应该是固定..F"X"系列的是切换战斗形态..1 2 3 4是切换辅助形态...比如盾.战斗装甲.透视.. 后期很多招都可以蓄力放..比如: 拳头形态扔东西可以非常强大...直接把人扔成一堆血泥.. 刀形态长按右鼠可以有个冲刺中4连击的招.空中+左鼠有个拿刀往下砍的招....
移动时需正对着你要移动的区域,他就会帮你移动到你正对的地方//move x up - 将区域向上移动x块//move xdown - 将区域向下移动x块/criticalhit [enable|disable]开启关闭致命一击/clouds[enable|disable]是否显示云sprinting[enable|disable]总是冲刺climb无需梯子能攀爬任何墙面spawner改变玩家所在区域...
//move x - 将区域移动x块。移动时需正对着你要移动的区域,他就会帮你移动到你正对的地方 //move x up - 将区域向上移动x块 //move x down - 将区域向下移动x块 /criticalhit [enable|disable]开启关闭致命一击 /clouds [enable|disable]是否显示云 sprinting [enable|disable]总是冲刺 climb...
sprinting [enable|disable]总是冲刺 climb 无需梯子能攀爬任何墙面 spawner 改变玩家所在区域刷怪器的怪物种类 effect 设置药水效果 fog [tiny|small|normal|far]改变视野距离 enderman pickup [enable|disable]Enderman拾取物品开启关闭 enchant 对当前物品附魔 xp XP (player experience)经验值命令 hardcore...