今年3月,我看了一个电视专题片《沙尘暴》,讲述了我国西部甘肃武威1995年5月5日遭受到百年不遇的...One by one, we can make our planet a cleaner place to live, steeped in healthy bio-
0-14 years: 17.5% (male 5,417,663/female 5,161,714)15-64 years: 66.8% (male 20,476,571/female 19,988,959)65 years and over: 15.8% (male 4,087,020/female 5,477,226) (2006 est.)Median age:total: 39.3 yearsmale: 38.2 yearsfemale: 40.4 years (2006 est.)Population growth rate...
Allowtheteatosteepfor3-5minutes.Thiswillallowtheflavortofullydevelop.Ifyoulikeyourteastronger,youcansteepitforafewminuteslonger.Step7:RemovetheTea Oncetheteahassteeped,removethetealeavesorteabagfromtheteapotorcup.Ifyouareusinglooseleaftea,youcanstrainitthroughateastrainer.Step8:AddMilkandSugar...
One of West Lake's most iconic landmarks is the Broken Bridge. This graceful stone bridge is steeped in history and mythology, with various legends surrounding the love story of the White Snake. Experiencing the enchanting combination of nature and ancient culture, visitors can feel ...
3、I hope the sunshine lies only upon me, so I can feel its warmth.我希望阳光只照在我身上,这样我才能感受到它的温暖。4、So Florida is the Sunshine State.因此福罗里达州是阳光之州。5、The hot sunshine shrivelled the grass.炎热的太阳于草枯萎了。6、She enjoyed the sunshine ...