【转自Ellie Goulding贴吧】Figure 8 Ellie Goulding Breathe your smoke into my lungs 把你的烟深深吸入我的肺中 In the back of a car with you I stare into the sun 在你车后我凝望著太阳 Still not too old to die young 想要早逝 还不算太迟 But lovers hold on to everything 但情人...
Wen opened the annual session of china ' s figurehead parpament on sunday with promises of new social spending for the country ' s rural poor , and said the economy is expected to slow but should still grow by 8 percent 周日,温在这个 有名无实 的中国议会年度会议上承诺,社会将增加对农村贫...
8.Still Alive 芬兰的音乐瑰宝除过Nightwish之外,还有Negative。主唱Jonne的长相简直太美了,虽然是男的,却也会让女人嫉妒。Negative虽然意思为消极,但可以看出,他们的音乐总是在伤感和忧愁中透着积极的态度,这是很不容易的。Still Alive正是这样,虽然唱的歇斯底里,但我们能够感觉到“我们仍然活着”。 (试听http:/...
7. " I have drunk enough, no more for me. / I can still drink some more."8. " I won't drink alcohol any more. I feel so bad if I've got drunk."9." Don't jump the red light, otherwise you'll be in danger and in trouble if you'fe got caught by the police....
3. The girl is not more than ten years old.4. They must have been working for a long time.5. That is why he was absent from school.6. You had better drive slowly.7. Who is going to look after our bird when we are out?8. This book may be cheaper than that one.9...
7、Though rates are heading down,they still offer real returns of 8% or so.尽管利率在下降,但他们仍然给出了8%左右的实际收益率。8、Emma,I must tell you what you will not ask,though I may wish it unsaid the next moment.爱玛,我非要把你不想问的事告诉你,虽说我可能马上就会...
我们将美好写进美好生活 We put the bad in the past, now we alright 将不快过往丢在从前,就不再回头望 Eazy (G-Eazy Part) Ayy, ayy, ayy, ayy Kehlani, I got you Ayy, yeah And it's a feeling that I can't explain 这种感觉着实无法名状 How you make it and your team still stay ...
15.And people all over the world still enjoy their music very much. (Page 65)全世界的人们仍然非常喜欢他们的音乐。all over the world 全世界 16.When he was eight, his father asked a music teacher to teach him to play the piano. (Page 67)当他八岁的时候,他的父亲请了一位老师来教授他如...
答:YOUAreTheone的意思是:你就是我的真命天子;你就是唯一;你是独一无二的,你就是那个我一直寻找的人。一般是恋人这样说的,我一直有个梦想找个什么样的人,you are the one你就是这个人了。
NO.8 I still believe 叹息NO.9 NightmareNO.10 断罪之花(大剑)2008动感新势力动漫歌曲排行top10:NO.1 团子大家族NO.2 ObliviousNO.3 钻石裂痕NO.4 NikariNO.5 Beautiful World (新世纪福音战士)NO.6 三角爱恋NO.7 星间飞行(水星领航员)NO.8 朋友(高达)NO.9 Ash like snow(高达)NO.10 阴天以上是我...