


i want the car to be stopped. i ___the car. 1 want to stop 2...

2 i 主语 want谓语动词 the car宾语 to be stopped宾补,这里用的是不定式的被动结构,就是说这个动作不是主语I发出的,若是I发出的话,他在第一句就会说:I want to stop the car.又如:I want to have my hair cut.这句中用了一个过去分词cut作宾语my hair的宾补,表示让别人给自己理发...


1 stop~stopped 2 is~was 3 hurry~hurried 4 第二个is~was 5 had~have 6 cost~costs 7 去掉for 8 is~was

1:look!the rain ---(stop) 2:the rain ---(last) for a long time...

stopped(stop是短暂性动词,不能用is stopping这个现在进行时。译为“看!雨停了”)has last(for a long time持续了很长时间 即跟过去和现在都有关 译为“这雨已经持续很长时间了”)

stop doing和stop to do的具体区别

1、意思不同:(1)stop doing意思是停下正在做的事。例句:It's probably time to stop doing that.也许是时候该停止这样做了。(2)stop to do意思是停下正在做的去做另一件事。例句:I was watching TV just now.When i heard my mother came into the room,i stopped to read my book...

classes were over .the pupils stopped ___ 1.have a rest 2.had a...

选4 楼主 下课了 停下来去休息 用stop to do sth 所以选第四个 意思是 孩子们上完了课 都停下来休息下 希望能帮到您 满意请采纳 谢谢~~



stop to do 和stop doing的区别

"The man stopped to tie his shoelaces." 这个停下来系鞋带。" doing"后面接的是动名词(即-ing form),表示被停止的行为。例如"You should stop worrying about things that you cannot control." 你停止担心你无法控制的事情。 的连续性不同:"stop to do"表示停下正在做的事情去做另一件事情。


规则动词词尾加-ed有三种发音规律:1、在清辅音后读作[t]。如:asked, helped, watched, stopped;2、在浊辅音和元音后读作[d]。如:enjoyed, studied, moved, called;3、在t / d后读作[id]。如:wanted, needed。

小米2出现Remote service has stopped

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