



8. In the late 1920s the party began to adopt a more stridently nationalistic posture.在19世纪20年代后期,该党开始执行一种更加坚定的民族主义路线。9. The windows would probably have been crafted in the latter part of the Middle Ages.这些窗户很可能是中世纪后期精心制作的。10. Maya ...


Japan (i /dʒəˈpæn/; Japanese: 日本 Nihon or Nippon, officially 日本国 Nippon-koku or Nihon-koku) is an island nation in East Asia.[9] Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and...


The gambit of cross-cutting from bolting nags to scarpering baddies starts out strident and doesn't seem necessary. But Forster is biding his time with this skittish prelude: we emerge into the crowd for a chase on foot, across rooftops, and down some scaffolding in a church, and the ...


and cuckoo's homeward-going call?By blooming riverside and under autumn moon I've often taken wine up and drunk it alone.Of course I've mountain songs and village pipes to hear,But they are crude and strident ang grate on the ear.Listening to you playing on pipa tonight,...


4. He is a strident advocate of nuclear power. 他是发展核能的坚定拥护者。 5. He got the best advocate in town to defend him. 他请城里最好的律师为他辩护. 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 推荐律师服务: 若未解决您的问题,请您详细描述您的问题,通过百度律临进行免费专业...


7. She tried to laugh, and the sound was harsh and strident.她想笑,但声音听起来尖锐刺耳。8. Bev made her laugh, the way she was always clowning around.贝夫用她一贯滑稽耍宝的方式逗她发笑。9. Leonard was working at his German. His mistakes made her laugh.伦纳德正在学习德语,...


”棕榈“进行造句如下:Next to it, I noticed the line of hemp, grapeseed, red palm and canola oils, all smartly packaged, all making strident health claims.在它旁边,我注意有一溜儿的苎麻油、葡萄籽油、红棕榈油和油菜籽油,它们包装都很精美,瓶身上都有食用如何如何健康的描述。

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and absorbed Bulusili back section of commonly used and most important harmonic structure of the pioneers of this style may be considered 卡布卡洛维 ( Cab Calloway). In the "jump blues", the singer's voice is more strident, and the pace faster and playing musical instruments are ...

proposed acquisition是什么意思

The intervention is the latest twist in the growing enmity between the two companies, and echoes microsoft's own strident denunciation of google's proposed acquisition of online advertising company doubleclick.这次干涉敌意日增的谷歌与微软之间的最新一次交锋,与微软对谷歌收购在线广告公司...
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