



【英语】:(as of sound etc.) as one falls, another rises;rise one after another;...rising here and subsiding there ;此起彼伏的近义词 一波未平,一波又起 层见叠出 此伏彼起 升腾跌宕 此起彼落 此起彼伏的反义词 风平浪静 昙花一现 电光火石 稍纵即逝 水静无波 河清海晏...




While the mistress of the home is gradually subsiding from the first stage to the second, take a look at the home. A furnished flat at $8 per week. It did not exactly beggar description, but it certainly had that word on the lookout for the mendicancy squad. In the vestibule below was...

美国画家 科尔Thomas Cole作品

《大洪水的水在退去》(The Subsiding of the Waters of the Deluge)。作于1829 年。现藏于华盛顿Smithsonian American Art Museum 博物馆。 《荒野中的圣约翰》(Saint John in the Wilderness)。作于1827 年。 《天使在荒野照料基督》(Angels Ministering to Christ in the Wilderness)。作于1843年。 《被缚的...

Field Measurement of Land Subsidence

If there are any doubts about the aquitard-compaction theory of land subsidence,they should be laid to rest by an examination of the results of the U. S. Geological Survey subsidence research group during the last decade. They have carried out field studies in several subsiding ...


While the mistress of the home is gradually subsiding from the first stage to the second, take a look at the home. A furnished flat at $8 per week. It did not exactly beggar description, but it certainly had that word on the lookout for the mendicancy squad. In the vestibule below ...


Furthermore, in consequence of subsiding people engaged in the art field, government provide a reasonable wise for people to enrich their lives and spirit. It leads to their bodies and minds relaxed from hard working. Thereby, they fully concentrate on working and laboring efficiently....


[3]Einsele G.,1985,Response of sediment to sea level changes in differing subsiding storm—dominated marginal and epeiric basins.In:Bayer V.Seilacher A.(eds),Sedimentary and evolutionary cycles(Lect Notes Earth Sci 1),Springer,Berlin,P.68~97. [4]McGhee,G.R.,Bayer,U.,1985,The local sign...

carnivore的《race war》 歌词

Bloodshed, rampage, torture is not subsiding Chaos, bedlam, violent ethnic uprising Moslems against Christians and the Arabs versus Jews the Catholic and Protestants no one wins we all lose Everybody's gonna die Xenophobic tendencies are misabled racism hostilities getting worse accept ...

Hallowed Land 歌词

A sihlouette subsiding, enticed unable to relate You want to live a lifetime each and every day You've beckoned before, you'll never do it again You've prayed before, who are the prayers for?Seek hallowed land Seek hallowed land Begone the fools that lead me - I need not...
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