


Suede的《Moving》 歌词

Moving If you can take it, I can take it 歌手:suede joulinc 制作 Shame on me well I had the beast you see And if he can take it I can take him home with me,Shame on her,she\'s a lovely little number And when we go lassooing you get lassooed,all of you And we...

suede everything will folw 歌词中文翻译.跪求才子帮忙...

Everything will flow Watch the early morning sun, drip like blood from the day,See the pretty people run, so many games to play See the blue suburban dream, under the jet plane sky,Sleep away and dream a dream Life is just a lullaby Oh, and everything will flow,Watch the...

beautiful loser的中文歌词是?suede唱的`

High on diesel and gasoline,烧着柴油和汽油我们没命地飞驰 psycho for drum machine 心里只装着那些架子鼓和乐器 shaking their bits to the hits,随着音乐摇动每寸狂热 Drag acts, drug acts, suicides,穿起裙子,穿起裙子,还是要结绳自缢 in your dad's suits you hide 藏在你老爸的大衣里 st...

谁能翻译一下suede的animal nitrate的歌词

像他的爸爸你知道他被有 思想的动物硝酸盐,哦在你的会议中家庭的他跳上你的骨头 现在你正在轮流它在时间之后计时 哦它把你打开,在,之上现在他已经离去 哦什么旋转你在现在你的不见了的动物?好的他说了他将会给你看他的床 而且化学的微笑高兴,如此在你的坏掉家中他断掉了你所有的骨头 现在你正在...


隐藏曲目是指专辑歌曲目录中没有出现,只有在全碟所有曲目播完后,间隔若干空白时间后出现的歌曲,就是所谓的"hidden track"。很多乐队喜欢在hidden track上玩花招,常常会有意外惊喜。suede这张ANM的oceans可以理解为加送了一首歌。不过不同版本的ANM,情况也略有不同,比如:UK版 - ocean 是正常曲目...


您好~在上海大舞台(上海体育馆)举行。场馆地址:上海市徐汇区漕溪北路1111号。演出详情如下:SUEDE山羊皮--2013『致青春』上海演唱会 时间:2013.10.03 场馆:上海大舞台(上海体育馆)票价:380,480,580,780,980 购票链接:Suede上海演唱会 感谢您对大麦网的支持!

求SUEDE the drowners中文翻译,最好把意境翻译出来,谢谢了,

oh well it's for my brother 恩。是给我的哥们。well he writes the line wrote down my spine 他在我脊椎上写 It says "Oh do you believe in love there?"“噢,你信仰爱吗?”So slow down, slow down, you're taking me over 哦,慢点下坠,慢点下坠(其中有堕落的意思,这在sued...

SUEDE 山羊皮2013『致青春』北京演唱会门票要多少钱啊?

您好~亲,2013SUEDE 山羊皮北京演唱会将于2013.10.05在工人体育馆举行,大麦网现在已经可以开始购票了,门票最低价380元,希望大家多多支持。具体情况如下:SUEDE 山羊皮——2013『致青春』北京演唱会 时间:2013.10.05 场馆:工人体育馆 状态: 售票中 票价:380,580,780,980 订票点击:SUEDE 山羊皮...


Trash 歌手:Suede 专辑:Coming up Suede : Trash Maybe, maybe it's the clothes we wear,The tasteless bracelets and the dye in our hair,Maybe it's our kookiness,Or maybe, maybe it's our nowhere towns,Our nothing places and our cellophane sounds,Maybe it's our looseness,But ...
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