
suspend disbelief是什么意思


in disbelief是什么意思

怀疑; 怀疑地; 不相信; 不相信地; 怀疑的;例句:Raises one eyebrow as if in disbelief or doubt.如果是对你不相信或怀疑的时候会挑眉。

with disbelief和in disbelief的区别是什么?

with disbelief 和in disbelief的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同 1、with disbelief:难以置信。2、in disbelief:怀疑的。二、语法不同 1、with disbelief:基本意思是对事〔物〕的真实性等表示“怀疑”或“不信任”,有时甚至在调查研究之后仍“难以确定”。也常用来表示对...

with disbelief 和in disbelief区别

with disbelief 和in disbelief的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同 1、with disbelief:难以置信。2、in disbelief:怀疑的。二、语法不同 1、with disbelief:基本意思是对事〔物〕的真实性等表示“怀疑”或“不信任”,有时甚至在调查研究之后仍“难以确定”。也常用来表示对...


5.Laura shook her head in disbelief. 劳拉不相信地摇摇头。 6.My initial disbelief was replaced by delight. 我先是不信,继而喜悦。 7.He gave a shrug of disbelief/helplessness. 他不以为然地耸了耸肩。 8.But please, I invite you to suspend your disbelief for just a moment 但是我建议你先搁...


双语例句 1、The news left her dumbfounded。这消息把她惊呆了。2、His reply dumbfounded me。他的回答使我哑然。3、We were amazed,shocked,dumbfounded,shaking our heads in disbelief。我们震惊、愕然、目瞪口呆,难以置信地摇着头。4、This suggestion dumbfounded Joe。这项建议使乔目瞪口...


摇落。例句:1、Nancy shook her head, frowning.南希摇摇头,皱着眉头。2、She shook her head violently.她拼命摇头。3、He tutted and shook his head.他发出啧啧声,并摇摇头。4、He shook his head in disbelief.他摇头表示不信。5、She shook her head in negation.她摇头表示拒绝。

in excitement是什么意思(excitement前介词用in还是with)

4.Wehuggedeachotherinexcitementanddisbeliefthatwewereactuallythere.我们疯狂的抱在一起,怀疑自己是否真在那儿。in excitement与in surprise区别 inexcitement:兴奋;激动地;激动 双语例句 1.Thedogleaptandwaggeditstailinexcitement.狗兴奋得摇着尾巴跳来跳去。insurprise:惊讶地;惊奇地 双语例句 1.She...


1. "Damnboy" is a popular internet slang term used to express amazement or admiration.2. Composed of "damn" (expressing disbelief) and "boy" (usually referring to a young man), it conveys a sense of surprise and intense appreciation.3. In fan communities and social media, the...

英语作文top gun观后感

thriller,inviting us to suspend our disbelief and go along for the ride.The 1944 plot was at least fiendishly planned and generally well executed.Singer's,by contrast,seems flawed and foolhardy from the start.But what of Singer's co-conspirator?Valkyrie paints von Stauffenberg as the...
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