



湿地沼泽地的英文是Wetlands and swamps 双语例句如下:1.大沼泽地国家公园位于佛罗里达州的最南端。The Everglades National Park stretches across the southern tip of Florida.2.在迂回曲折、潮水汹涌的河流和沼泽地中航行20分钟的感觉真是美妙。The 20-minute boat ride through a maze of tidal ...


一、swamp 英[swɒmp] 美[swɑ:mp]n. 湿地; 沼泽(地);vt. 淹没; 使沉没; 使陷入困难; 忙得不可开交;vi. 淹没,沉没;[例句]A rogue wave swamped the boat 凶猛的海浪淹没了船只。第三人称单数:swamps;复数:swamps;现在分词:swamping;过去式:swamped;过去分词...


swamp是沼泽的意思。swamp造句如下:1.The horse was swamped in the mud。2.The old fort flanked on a swamp。3.In the swamp we were beset by mosquitoes。4.On the floor of the basins lie deserts, lakes and swamps。5.The firm is swamped with orders。

隰 是繁体字么,念什么?

不是 啊 读xi第二声 高二语文第一课的 原文是: 隰则有岸。。。


部首:阝 部外笔画:14 总笔画:16 五笔86:BJXO 五笔98:BJXO 仓颉:NLAVF 笔顺编号:5225115545544444 四角号码:76233 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+96B0 基本字义 1.低湿的地方:“山有榛,有苓”.2.新开垦的田.详细字义 〈名〉1.(形声.阜:土山,与土地有关.本义:低湿之地)2.{同本义}[swamps]隰...


简体部首:阝,部首笔画:2 ,总笔画:16,低湿的地方:“山有榛,隰有苓”。出自《诗·山有扶苏》:“山有扶苏,隰有荷华。”。字形 笔顺:折竖竖折横横折折捺折折捺捺捺捺捺 详细字义 隰〈名〉(1) (形声。阜:土山,与土地有关。本义:低湿之地)(2) {同本义}[swamps]隰,阪下湿也...

水对人类的贡献 英语文章

The Earth's surface water bodies constitute the hydrosphere, including the oceans, rivers, lakes, swamps, glaciers, snow, groundwater and atmospheric water. As the injected water with some sea salt, plus perennial accumulation and evaporation, sea and ocean where the water is salt ...


and they possess exceptional hearing and sense of smell.2. Jaguar Habitat and Behavioral Traits:Jaguars typically inhabit forests, grasslands, and swamps among other environments. They are solitary creatures, more active at night, and their diet consists mainly of hooved animals, monkeys,...


字形 笔顺:折竖竖折横横折折捺折折捺捺捺捺捺 五笔86:BJXO 五笔98:BJXO 五行:金 UniCode:U+96B0四角号码:76233 仓颉:NLAVF GBK编码:DAF4 规范汉字编号:6189笔顺编号:5225115545544444 详细字义 ◎隰 〈名〉(1) (形声。阜:土山,与土地有关。本义:低湿之地)(2) {同本义}[swamps]...


famous for its windmills, some 1,200 of which survive today. The windmills in each province can be found in the list for that province. The oldest mill is a watermill that dates back to the eighth century. These techniques were used to pump dry hundreds of lakes and swamps ...
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