



one(一) two(二) three(三) four(四) five(五) six(六) seven(七) eight(八) nine(九) ten(十) what(什么) time(时间) it’s=it is …o’clock(…点钟) math(数学) Chinese(语文) English(英语) P.E.(体育) music(音乐) for(为;给) class(课程) Unit 3 jacket(夹克衫) shirt(衬衫) ...


2.海浪翻滚。翻滚是一个翻滚的驾驶舱,带来滚滚波涛,与音乐喷泉完美结合,在空中飞翔,瞬间升降翻滚,让人头晕目眩。3.过山车 “过山车”是锦江乐园从日本引进的前后往复式超大型过山车。它一次可以载24名游客。它的头尾上翘,中板与环相连,不断交叉。它和汽车一起坐在里面上下翻滚,你可以感受到身在...

《咏雪》译文 一个寒冷的雪天,谢太傅把家人聚会在一起,跟子侄辈的人...

.눈 이 장난 아니 게 내리 지 얼마 되 지 않 아 팽 팽 한 태 복 기 뻐 했 다고 &#...


Material:One apple Milk half cup Vanilla ice cream is three Cocoa two teaspoon Sugar 1/4 cup Practice:1. Apple ChengDing cut 2 the sugar into the cream. Within swirl 3 the apple, milk, fruit juice, ice cream into machine ...


4、双语例句:1、The narrative had a dense, ponderous style.这篇记叙文行文晦涩难懂,冗长乏味。2、a dense, indigestible and wordy book.一本繁复冗长、艰深难懂的书 3、The trees formed a dense canopy.树木形成了密密的冠层。4、Dense smoke swirled and billowed, its rank fumes choking ...


1 雷达/RAID 4.8 京东旗舰店 驱杀害虫清香宜人无添加酒精 2 超威(SUPERB)4.7 京东旗舰店 驱杀多种害虫药力集中击杀气味柔和 3 黑旋风/SwirlWind 4.6 直喷式高压头设计多点喷洒效果更好 4 榄菊 4.5 京东旗舰店 快速驱杀害虫环保精纯溶剂直喷式使用便利 5 儿宝健 4.4 京东旗舰店 集中喷雾...


The sky was covered with clouds.4. 微风轻拂 A gentle breeze blew.5. 云彩变幻莫测 The clouds shifted, creating an unpredictable sky.6. 风助云威 The wind lent strength to the clouds.7. 阴云密布 Dark clouds gathered.8. 风起云涌 The wind rose and the clouds swirled.

GBA游戏 模拟人生—上流社会金手指

03003918:63636363 0300391C:63 配料 0300391D:63 0300391E:6363 03003920:63636363 03003924:63 任务等级 030046A9:04 030046AA:0404 030046AC:04040404 030046B0:04 任务积分 0201BEC4:270F 阵营 03003910:xx 首位道具 03004198:xx 参考资料:http://bbs.newwise.com/archiver/tid-110448.html ...



如何做苹果奶昔英语60 词

Material: One apple Milk half cup Vanilla ice cream is three Cocoa two teaspoon Sugar 1/4 cup Practice: 1. Apple ChengDing cut 2 the sugar into the cream. Within swirl 3 the apple, milk, fruit juice, ice cream into machine。答案是: first peel three bananas ,then cut up ...
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