
take off


take off为什么是起飞

take off是一个多意词组,既有脱衣服的意思,也有起飞的意思。take off 英[teik ɔf] 美[tek ɔf][词典] 起飞; 脱掉; (使) 离开; 突然成功;[例句]We eventually took off at 11 o'clock...

take off为什么有起飞的意思?

take off是典型的多义短语,可以表示脱衣服,移送,起飞。可以理解为飞机离开地面,所以有这个意思。

take sth off是什么意思

语法标注解释 take off英音:['teik ɔf]美音:['tek ɔf]take off 1.脱下;移去 He took off his raincoat and took out the key.他脱下雨衣,拿出钥匙。2.起飞 The plane will take off soon.飞机...

take off 全部意思是什么?

take off有三种意思:一、脱掉 例如:She was happy to take off the scratchy woollen jumper.她很高兴脱下那件粗糙的羊毛衫。二:起飞 例如:The plane took off twenty minutes late.飞机起飞晚了二十分钟。三:(使...

关于take off

当然有 take off 有突然开始成功,开始走红的意思(英语解释是 to suddenly start being successful)在本句中就是用这个意思。另外take off 还有5个意思 1.脱下,脱去(尤指衣服)2.起飞 3.(非正式)为了逗笑而模仿(...


takeoff和take-off的区别主要在于它们的词性和用法。takeoff是一个名词,通常用于表示飞机、火箭等飞行器的起飞,也可以用来比喻事业、产品等的腾飞或成功。例如:The airplane's takeoff was smooth and uneventful.(飞机的起飞...

take off 有几种意思

take off 有6种意思。1、起飞 举例:The plane took off despite the fog.尽管有雾,飞机仍照常起飞。2、脱掉 举例:He came in and took off his coat.他走了进来,脱掉大衣。3、取消 举例:The mixed grill has ...

英语中的take off,get off,turn off,come off.一般情况下有哪几种意 ...

take off:1.拿走, 取下; 去掉 (例:Last night's strong wind nearly took the roof off!昨夜的大风差一点把屋顶刮掉了。)2.脱去 (I can't take my boots off, they're so tight!靴子太紧了, 我脱不下来!

take off,get off,turn off,put off,go on,go by,go down,go off,hand...

take off 脱下(鞋子,衣服);(飞机)起飞get off 离开; 动身;记住、背诵;下(车、马)turn off把……关掉;解雇put off 推迟;延迟go on 继续做go by时光流逝; 顺便走访go down沉下; 落下; 降低;被接受; ...
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