
take the bus还是by bus?



3 She often works hard and goes to bed at night(at night=in the evening)4 She is a member in the Computer Club.(club 用 in)5 I often take the bus to school.(take the bus=by bus)6 DO you want to play with us after school(after school 是固定搭配,放学后...

为什么英语里乘坐公交用"take "而不用"by"

take 是动词,而by是介词,句中已经有动词的情况下才用by的介词短语 i take the bus to school i go to school by bus

英语四级考试:怎么区分take/ by和take a/ the

by是介词,后接不加冠词的表示交通工具的名词,构成介词短语,在句中做状语。【区别用法】take和by结构上的区别 by+交通工具单数:交通工具前不能有其他词 take a/the+交通工具:交通工具前有a或the by plane搭飞机 take a plane搭飞机 by bus搭公交车 take a bus搭公交车 They will take a ...

by bus 和 take a bus 在语句用法上有什么区别? 请速速回应 超急_百度...

take a bus 英 [teɪk ə bʌs] 美 [teɪk ə bʌs] 坐公共汽车;乘公车 相同点:两个短语都可以表示乘公共汽车 不同点:by bus和take a bus的意思都是乘坐公交车,但是前者by后面可以直接跟表示交通工具的名词,take a bus,take后面不能直接接名词...

take a bus和by bus的区别

take a bus和by bus的区别主要是:take a bus为动词词组,意思是:乘车,在句中可以作谓语;by bus为介词短语,意思是:乘车,在句中作状语。例如:1.We can easily take a bus here.这里乘车很便当。2.I have to take a bus to get there. Could you show me the bus stop?我得坐公共...

takes( )bus. 中间的空中,是填a还是the?


ride by take the的区别take the bus take the train take the subway...

ride,take 是动词。by是介词。乘坐一般用take,是固定的。He rides a bike to school=He goes to school by bike。I take the bus/train/subway to work=I go to work by bus/train/subway。

take bus 这个用法对吗?中间要加冠词吗?

不对,要接a或者the的,take bus 这个用法我没有见过,也没查到。因为take 做及物动词时没有乘车这个意思,take a bus其实是take的引申用法。

初中英语教师资格证面试教案模板:《How do you get to school》_百度...

ride a bike by bike 骑自行车 walks on foot 走路、步行 take the subway by subway 乘坐地铁 take the train by train 乘坐火车 take a car by car 乘坐小车 take the plane by plane 乘坐飞机 take the bus by bus 乘坐公车 take a boat by boat 乘坐船 (五) 1a T: Look at the ...


take a/an +交通工具是偶尔乘坐一次的交通工具/没有固定的地点,例如take a bike骑自行车。take the +交通工具是长期乘坐一次的交通工具/有固定的地点,例如take the bus坐公交车。take英[teɪk],美[teɪk]v.携带; 拿走; 取走; 运走; 带去; 引领; 使达到,把…推向,把…带...
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