(7)又如:军籍;党籍;外籍;客籍;团籍;队籍(8)籍贯[native place]顷小儿回籍应举。――张居正《答应天巡抚宋阳山书》(9)又如:回籍;原籍(10)征籍。中国古代各种捐税的统称 [taxes]实亩实籍。――《诗·大雅·韩奕》(11)又如:籍税(征收租税);籍赋(赋税);籍敛(征收田税);籍求(敛取);籍取(敛取;...
第三部分历数英国压迫北美殖民地人民的条条罪状,说明殖民地人民是在忍无可忍的情况下被迫拿起武器的,力陈独立的合法性和正义性。 在宣言的最后一部分,美利坚庄严宣告独立。《独立宣言》并非1776年7月4日签署的,7月4日是决议采用宣言的日期,之后进行了印刷。议会代表们大多于1776年8月2日签署本宣言。 中英对照 TH...
(Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 18 - Income taxes) 20. 企业会计准则第19 号---外币折算 (Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 19 - Foreign currency translation) 21. 企业会计准则第20 号---企业合并 (Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 20 - Business Combina...
7, Baggage did not released by the Customs or should be returned: passengers or their agents please complete the formalities within the time limit specified by the Customs, overdue items will be dealt with by the Customs according to law.D) Restricted inbound and outbound goods: ...
69.import taxes or duties进口税务局或关税 70.inspect 检查,检验 71 intergovernmental aid 政府间的援助 72。joint control 联合监管 73.joint venture合营企业,联合企业 74.label 标签 75.landing 降落,上岸,着陆 76.levy 征收,抽税,征税 77.monitor 监督 78.make out 填写 79.make up 弥补...
7. There is a set menu from £4.00 for two courses with coffee. 有最低消费是4英镑的两道...15. the lowering of taxes and the consequent increase in spending 税收降低与随之引起的消费增长
◆陈述道德准则的6个组成要素和7个职业行为标准 ◆CFA职业准则的执行 ※Reading 3: Guidance for Standards 1-VII ◆正确运用CFA职业行为准则 ◆区别遵守和违反职业准则的行为 ◆推荐能避免违反职业准则的做法或程序 ※Reading 4: Introduction to the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)◆...
taxes, finance and audit: 税务、财会、审计6、the confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit 保兑、不可撤消信用证7、Hook Damage Risks 钩损险8、good seller 畅销货9、Partial shipment 分批装运10、out of stock 没有库存1、现货供应Supply from stock 2、保险单insurance policy 3、意向书The letter of ...
7. 行政区域;管辖区;省 8. 【语法学】支配关系(指一个词决定另一个词的形态变化形式)9. [复数]政府债券 10. [废语]合乎道德的行为 government ['ɡʌvənmənt]n.1. the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit the government reduced taxes 2....