



他是一个生活在水中的生物,但不同的是,他 can become human and come to the land. To get away from the "Love”of his 才能成为人类来到陆地上。远离他的“爱”family, he traveled to a human town with his good friend Abeito and teamed up 一家人,他和他的好朋友阿贝托一起去了一...


On June 29, 2004, McGrady, Juwan Howard, Tyronn Lue, and Reece Gaines were traded to the Houston Rockets in a seven-player deal that sent Steve Francis, Cuttino Mobley, and Kelvin Cato to the Magic. In his first year with the Houston Rockets, McGrady teamed with 7' 6" ...


二、例句:1、'My leg — I think it's broken,' Eric groaned.“我的腿——我想是断了,”埃里克咕哝着说。2、Eric left the barge in a hurry.埃里克匆忙离开了驳船。3、Eric was my cousin Edward's boy 埃里克是我表兄爱德华的儿子。4、Elton teamed up with Eric Clapton to wow ...


should eat together.我们应该一起吃饭啊。We teamed up together and began making cabin.我们共同合作开始制造游艇。Please follow me as we tour the site together.现在请大家随我一同参观。Why don't we go together?我们为何不一块儿去呢?Provided by jukuu Two items are purchased together....


should eat together.我们应该一起吃饭啊。We teamed up together and began making cabin.我们共同合作开始制造游艇。Please follow me as we tour the site together.现在请大家随我一同参观。Why don't we go together?我们为何不一块儿去呢?Provided by jukuu Two items are purchased together....


Pang was born in Harbin, the home of Chinese pair skating. She began skating at age six. She originally competed as a single skater. In 1993, coach Yao Bin teamed her up with Tong and they have been skating together ever since.When Yao moved to Beijing, Pang and Tong ...


should eat together.我们应该一起吃饭啊。We teamed up together and began making cabin.我们共同合作开始制造游艇。Please follow me as we tour the site together.现在请大家随我一同参观。Why don't we go together?我们为何不一块儿去呢?Provided by jukuu Two items are purchased together....


, 装点,布置,美化 [I,T] , 例句: ,Mainly engaged in medium and high-grade products, our bazaar may fitly decorate your life.,本商场以供应高中档产品为主,为您装点人生。, 例句: ,The third and fourth grades teamed up to decorate the gym for the party.,三、四年级的学生一起...

关于变形金刚(Transformers )介绍的英语作文

Of course there were two kinds of Autobots in the films, one group were good guys and others were bad guys. The good guys were teamed up with an Earth high school nerd Sam Witwicky, the grandson of the glasses's owner, Captain Witwicky, when he bought an old sport car, ...

“两位歌手合作的歌曲”可以用Teamed Songs表达吗

看这首歌收入在谁的专辑或单曲里,另一个人的名字前用feat 举个例子,Usher和Juicy J,两个人合作的<I don't mind>收入在Usher的单曲里,封面上就会先写Usher,然后FT.(feat) Juicy J。有帮到你的话,希望采纳~
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
