tear to
眼泪的英文是tear。一、读音: [teə(r)]二、意思是眼泪 三、例句 Don began to tear up when he talked about his son。唐谈论起他的儿子就开始哭。四、词汇用法 1、tear既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。2、用作及物动词时接名词、代词作宾语,有时也可接由形容词、副词充当...
2. 撕毁 sīhuǐ [tear up;tear to shreds] 撕破毁坏,比喻单方面背弃协议、条约等。他撕毁了张不满意的稿子,打算重写。撕毁协定 引证解释:撕破毁掉。引申指单方面背弃共同商定的协议、条约等。 毛泽东 《中国人民站起来了》:“一待时机成熟他们就要撕毁一切决议,并以残酷的战争反对人民...
wear and tear 磨损的意思,比如机器的磨损,首先它是名词,其次是不可数名词,并不是个动词词组,造句如下:The carpet is designed to stand up to a lot of wear and tear. 这用地毯设计得十分耐用,也就是不容易磨损坏了。come to conclusion 意思是得出结论,比如:All in all, we can ...
你说你选A,我估计原因有二。1.只知道pay attention to sth. 见到attention 就想到了to,根本不去理解整个句子的意思。2. 知道有个短语叫attach great importance. to sth. 误将attract 看成attach, 并忽略了整句意思的理解而错。No conclusion ___ about whether to tear down the old buildings...
The bear has lived up to his reputation for stupidity.这只熊果然名不虚传,笨得出奇。二、tear 1、发音:英 [teə(r)]、美 [ter]2、含义:vt. 撕掉;扯下;扰乱。vi. 流泪;撕破。n. 眼泪;(撕破的)洞或裂缝;撕扯 3、用法 tear用作名词时,意思是“眼泪”,是可数名词,常用...
想哭可是没有泪水、哭不出来。欲哭无泪 读音:[ yù kū wú lèi ]引证:巴金 《沉默集·春雨》:“我又看见她俯在床上蒙着脸欲哭无泪。”汉字笔画:
2、Also known as the Spring Ingress Chart, it has been looked upon as a major indicator of the upcoming year by astrologers from ancient times.也被称为春季入口图,它被看成是即将到来的一年,从古代占星学家的主要指标。3、Wear and tear to be prevented as well as damage, ingress ...
(3:07)7 He's Alive (2:29)8 Riverside Walk (5:22)9 A Testacular Situation (1:50)10 Jack And Lucy (2:56)11 Leave It To Sol (2:08)12 The Dream Is Over (0:49)13 Sound Advice (1:43)14 Tear Jerking Tale (1:30)15 Bumpy Encounter (2:39)16 A Happy Ending (2...
value:'playsound mob.villager.yes @a ~ ~ ~ 10 1'}}",Text2:"{text:'Right-click',clickEvent:{action:run_command,value:'say Drop 1x Nether Star, 1x Blaze Rod and 1x Ghast Tear to craft the Herobrine Disguise. Wear it to become the Herobrine.'}}",Text3:"{text:'this...
break的意思有:vi. 打破;折断;弄坏;削弱 vt. (使)破;打破(纪录);(常指好天气)突变;开始 vi. (嗓音)突变;突破;破晓;(价格)突然下跌 n. 破裂;间断;(持续一段时间的状况的)改变;间歇 读音:英 [breɪk] 美 [brek]短语 break away 脱离;放弃;逃跑 break into ...