



帐篷的英语单词是tent,其读音为英 [tent]  美 [tent]。tent 英 [tent]  美 [tent]n. 帐篷 v. 住帐篷;宿营 例:They set up a tent near the seashore.他们在海滨附近搭起了一个帐篷。tent的基本意思是“帐篷”,是可数名词。tent也可表示医疗中用于保护或支撑目的的“帐”或“罩”。

英语: 1.take a map with you or you may lose your way.请问这句may能...

这句话的tent是否用复数, 其实影响都不打, 主要是联系上下文,如果他们几个人共同住一个帐篷, 那就是一个帐篷单数tent即可, 如果他们是很多大有很多个帐篷, 那用复数tents也是没有问题的。另外, 你说的能不能去点our这个词语, 习惯上名词前面是需要定冠词或者不定冠词修饰的, 你不用our, ...


帐篷 tent ; praetorium ; tabernacle ; lodge ; tentage ; bivvy 双语例句 1、搭起帐篷、竖起旗杆。Erect a tent, a flagstaff.provided by jukuu 2、医院无法收容所有病人,只好在医院外搭起大帐篷为患者治疗。The hospital could not cope with all the patients and had to erect big tents ...


剑士kenshi是一款拥有非常多mod的游戏,这些mod不仅包括了游戏内容,还有一些外观,如果我们想要拥有更多更好的游戏体验,推荐一定要打上几个mod。剑士kenshi必打的mod 一、Dark UI 修改ui界面的mod,如果你感觉默认ui不舒服一定要打。二、Tents 新增了一个帐篷系统,能够在野外支起帐篷用来恢复。三、...


ANSI/ASTM F1934-1998 Test Method for Welding a Backpack or Mountaineering Tent 焊接背包或登山帐篷试验方法 ANSI/NFPA 102-2006 Standard for Grandstands, Folding and Telescopic Seating, Tents, and Membrane Structures 支架、折叠和伸缩椅、帐篷和隔板结构的标准 BS 5576-1998 Specification for ...

皮特有什么? 翻译英语

孩子们有帐篷吗 Do the children have any tents?皮特有什么:What does peter have


刀,knives Of all the cutting tools you take with you,none will be as help ful as your knife,You can use it to make fire,to constuct impovised shelters and to find food.In short,it's one of the most important objects you can carry with you.帐篷,tents Tents are good ...


i would take a knife.because we can use the knife to cut foods and ropes.furthermore,we have to kill animals with the knife when some animals attacks us.请采纳


2、contents常用在书籍中。解析:contents 英 [kənˈtents]美 [kənˈtents]n.所容纳之物;所含之物;内容;(书的)目录,目次;(书、讲话、节目等的)主题,主要内容。v.满足;满意;知足;使满意;使满足。例句:There is no initial list of contents.没有章首目录。


折叠帐篷Break camp, folding tents, folded tents, fold tents 遮阳篷 awning, sunshades,尖顶篷steeple tent, pinnacle tent 吊顶篷 suspended ceiling tent, furred ceiling tent, hang ceiling tent 铝合金组合式篷房 canopies of large aluminum alloy modular room 汽车帐篷 car tent 露营帐篷camping ...
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