
the cost of renting a house



In 2006 it began renting out computer capacity by the hour. The option to rent rather than buy computing power greatly reduced the cost and complexity of launching a new company. Amazon's cloud services have since been used by startups including Netflix, Instagram, Pinterest, Spotify and Air...


3、Mr Li spends a lot of time(in)helping his students with their English.李老师花很多时间帮助他的学生学英语。4、Investing in industry is money well spent.钱投资在工业上是正确的。5、He spent the remainder of his years in japan.他在日本度过了余生。二、cost可用于表示花时间和金钱...

L4 U3-3-2 Colony Collapse 英语流利说 懂你英语

a shortage(短缺) of bees has increased the cost of renting bees by up to 20%. There are several possible causes for bee colony collapse. One possible cause is the use of new pesticides(杀虫剂) . Other possible causes include infections from viruses([ˈvaɪ...


For instance, there must be enough space in the room for the storage of old subjects, which is quite inconvenient for people renting a small flat. To sum up, individuals can contribute a lot to environment preservation. Among all the methods discussed above, the purchase of local organic ...

...懂你英语 Level 6 Unit 1 Part 4 Listening:Buying a house...

Office space is expensive in the area, along with the cost of living for employees.As a result, it's becoming more difficult to hire good employees.Nobody wants to live there unless their salary can support a good standard of living.With all of these changes, John thinks there...


CRM小型企业: 被举办还是机构内部?由杰克M.杰曼 1月6日,2006 7:00AM "机构内部的应用的所有权的总费用已经超过上3 比5 年变得更高", 小和中等的经营策略的说的Sanjeev Aggarwal,新英格兰人组高级分析家。 "举办的应用明确是一项储蓄建议,因为公司能缓慢地开始并且在它周围增长他们的生意。 "...


2. Language may be a problem. High cost of living.3.比较寂寞,没办法融入社会。3. More lonely, no way to integrate into the community.4.回国就业可能专业不对口。4. Employment is not likely to return to professional counterparts.5.如果没好好学,可能一辈子都不 能毕业.5. If ...



Will 100yuan be enough to _the cost of the trip?为什么用cover而不...

句意为:100元足够支付旅行的费用了么?cover [ˈkʌvə]vt.(掩)盖;占;包括;报道 n.盖子,封面the cost of the trip意为旅行的所有费用,修饰要填的词。用cover意为100元包括了旅程的所有费用。offer [ˈɔfə]vt.给予,提供;提议 n.提供,提议;报价,...

the cost of equipment是什么意思

the cost of equipment 设备成本 双语例句 1. Unfortunately, the cost of equipment is prohibitive.遗憾的是, 设备的价格昂贵.2. However, such devices provide only part of the cost of the equipment.不过, 那种方法提供的仅是设施成本价的一部分.3. The cost of depreciation or rented ...
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